Chapter 70: Getting Ready For Today

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(Liesel POV)

Looks like I'm busy today. I have a date with Lucas. Then after that I have sleep over wight girls. To tell you I'm really excited to go on a date with Lucas. I don't know why? I wore a mint color shirt. Some ripped skinny jeans. I I put my hair half up and half down and added a bow.

After I was done I looked at my clock 3:30. Just on time. I grabbed my skate board and I went down stairs.

"Hey. Liesel where you going all dolled up?" Mingus asked

"None of your beeswax."


Norman came out from the kitchen. And he looked at me.

"Liesel where you going?" He asked

"I was going out for ice cream with Lucas." I said with my innocent voice.

"Ok have fun. By the way you look great."

"Thanks Daddy. Oh can I have some money before I go?"

"Sure here's 10 bucks."


Mingus went back upstairs and I went straight towards the door. And when I opened the door some girl was at the door it looked like she was about to knock. This was was really pretty. She had bright blue eyes. And dirty blonde hair that was curly.

"Um hi are you lost?" I asked politely

"I don't know does Mingus Reedus live here. I have a date with him." She said

"Uh yea hold up. MINGUS GET YOUR LITTLE WHITE ASS DOWN HERE." I yelled. "I'm Liesel Mingus sister."

"I'm Ally. Mingus girlfriend."

"Good luck,"

Mingus came running downstairs. And looked around for me when he saw Ally he went jogging over to her giving her a kiss.

"Ahem sorry to ruin the moment but Mingus how come you never told me about your new girlfriend?"

"I was going to invite her over tomorrow to have dinner with us so I could introduce her to you guys. But now I guess I don't. But if Ally does want to come I would love that." Mingus said

"I would love to."

"Well it was great to meet you Ally but I gotta go."

I got on my skateboard and started to skate down to the skate park. I had to take a few turns. I listened to music on my phone. The song 18 by 5SOS came on. I started to sing along. When I came to the skate park Lucas wasn't there. So I just started riding on my board until he came.

"I'm so sick of waiting 'till I'm 18." I sang.

Then I felt someone put pick me up off my board and spin me around. I screamed. Then they set me down.

"Lucas don't scare me like that."

He laughed. "I had to to. But either way are you ready?"

"Yea. Let me just grab my board."


I grabbed my board and went over to Lucas. He held his hand out for me to take. I grabbed his hand we we walked over to his car. Yes he's 16. He's only a few months older than me. When we got there we started driving to the ice cream shop.

(Chandler's POV)

Sam and I were at the skate park just skating around with some of our friends. It was my turn to do some flips on my board. After I did that I went over to Sam. Who was on top of the ramp.

"Hey Chandler isn't that Liesel?" Sam asked

I turned around and she was holding hands with the guy who saved her the other day. I got jealous.

"Come on"

I slowly started walking over to Liesel. But she was already in the car. I need to stop this date. Sam and I started following the car. It was hard cause they were going fast and we were on our skate boards. When they stopped they were at the ice cream shop.

Sam and I went to a window were we could see them but they could see us. I don't know how but somehow I needed to stop this. No one is taking my girl away from me.

(Liesel's POV)

"How can I help you two today?" The lady asked

"I'll have blue and green sherbet on a waffle cone." I said

"I'll have the same but in a regular cone." Lucas said

I was going to pay but Lucas beat me to it. Once the lady gave us our ice cream we sat down and ate. For the first few minutes it was quiet. Then I started talking.

"Thanks for buying me ice cream." I said

"No problem. I would buy ice cream for a pretty girl like you any day. But on problem."

"And what's that's problem." I asked

"Your the only pretty girl in the world."

I blushed. Lucas was really sweet. I don't know maybe I was getting over Chandler. Maybe I was ready for a relationship. After we were done we started walking. We held hands. But then we stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing. But can I try something?"

"Uh what do you want to try?" I asked


He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. It didn't feel the same way when I kissed Chandler. But I still felt something. Then all the sudden someone pushed him off me. I looked and saw Chandler punching him.

"Chandler stop it!" I yelled

Sam pulled me away from them. But I got out of his grip and ran over to Lucas. I pushed Chandler off him.

"Chandler what the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled

"He kissed you."

"So what? You broke up with me. Why would you care if I kissed him?"

"Cause I'm still in love with you."

"Just leave me alone Chandler. You broke up with me. Just leave me alone."

I went over to Lucas and help him up.

"You ok?"

He spit out blood. "Yea I'm fine"

"I'm sorry about him."

"It's fine. I'll get my revenge. Now let me take you home."

(Lucas's POV)

This girl has no idea what she's getting into. I abuse girl. That's how I'm getting my revenge. Just wait a few day and she feel the pain. I know shouldn't I just hurt Chandler? I should but I won't I'm messing with the one thing he loves the most. Liesel.

I don't give a shit about her. I really won't care if she jumped off a cliff. But after I'm done with her she might wanna jump off a cliff.

You remember the skate board accident? Yea that was me. I loosened on on the nail of the wheels so that's how she fell. I love myself.

And most importantly I love hurting people. And Liesel is just another target. She's not special. And after I'm done with Liesel I'm going after her friends. So watch out.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now