Chapter 16: My Birthday Part 1

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I felt somebody jump on top of me and shake me awake. I refused to get up from my sleep. Then once they couldn't wake me up they started singing like dying cats. I opened my eyes

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Liesel! Happy Birthday to you!" They sang to me

"You guys sound like dying cats. Why did you have to wake me up so early?"

"Because you have to get ready. We need to get you to the studio." Norman said

"I kinda wish it wasn't my birthday. I'm so busy today."

"We know, but don't worry you get to relax at the concert." Chandler said

"Yeah while I'm getting run over by Imagine Dragon Fans." I said

"Oh come on turn that frown upside down."

"No. I will forever be upset. I want this day to end."

"Just get ready. It's almost nice o'clock." Norman said

"I'm going. I'm going. I'm going."

I put on my shirt that was purple and it had some sparkles on it. I also put on my black short shorts. I put my hair in a side bride. Norman tossed my my dancing shoes and we were out the door before I could even eat breakfast. What a good way to start the day.

"Are you ready?" Chandler asked

"Yeah let's go, before I regret getting up from bed."

When we got to the studio I saw the Choreographer. I didn't even know his name. It's was sad, and for some odd reason he was dressed nicely today.

"Happy Birthday Liesel." He said attacking me in a hug.

"Thank you. Now can you let go I can't breath."

"I'm sorry. I just over excited. Okay now lets go practice for awhile and then we'll see your outfit you'll be wearing."

"Okay." I said following him

We practiced the dance about three times and I nailed all the moves.

"Great job. I would say 'I have never worked with such an amazing dancer before', but that would be a lie. I've worked with Beyonce before."

"Beyonce? Oh my god. Really?"

"Haha. No. I wish though. Could you imagine that? It would be amazing. She is queen." He said

"Um...Okay?" I said more as a question

"We'll enough chit chat. Let's go see you're outfit."

We walked into a room that was full of clothes. Every you looked were clothes. The looked amazing. It was like a small like mall. In the corner was a lady sowing something. When we closed the door she looked up.

"Oh dear god. Robert why didn't you tell me Norman Reedus would be coming. i would have cleaned up. How rude. Hello my name is Diana." She said shaking out hands.

"Hello, I'm Liesel." I said

"Oh you're the dancer I'm making the outfit for. Well follow me. I just finished this morning. I hope it looks amazing on you. It should." She looked through a rack full of clothes. "Here we go." She said pulling out the outfit.

"Wow this is amazing." I said

"Thank you." Diana said

"We'll you should be thanking me I chose it out. Diana just makes it." Robert said

"But she did an amazing job though. Can I try it on?" I asked

"Of course dear. The changing room is down the hall."

I nodded my head and walked down. The dressing rooms were huge. I put the outfit on the hanger and took of all my clothes. Once I put everything on I walked out.

"Oh my god. That looks amazing on you Liesel." Norman said

"Wow." Was all Chandler could say.

"We'll come on we have a show to do." Robert said.

Robert took me to get my hair and make up done. It wasn't much. They curled my hair, but loosely. My make only involved eyeshadow, eyeliner, and some blush.

When I finished my hair and make-up I went to the place where I would be dancing. I peeked through the curtain. I saw a ton of people.

"Oh my god. There's so many people." I said

"Don't worry. Haven't you preformed in front of people before?" Chandler asked

"Yeah, but I didn't think there were going to be so many people."

"I'll be here. If you get nerves just look at me and everything will be alright. I promise you." Chandler said rubbing my cheek.

"Come on Liesel you're on." The man said

"Remember just look at me." Chandler said kissing my cheek


I walked out with the back round dancers. I was to start dancing when I saw someone in the crowd was looked to familiar. I took a close look and saw the one person I never wanted to see again. My mother. The music started and everyone just started at me. The back round dancers started dancing but when they noticed I wasn't dancing they stopped. The music continued to go on. Finally someone pulled me off stage.

"Liesel what's wrong?" Chandler asked. "Did you get stage fright?"

"No! She's here. She's here to get me Chandler. She's here. How did she get her."

"Who's here?" Norman asked

"My mom!" I yelled

"I thought you said your mom was in jail."

"That's what I thought to, but I guess she got out and some how found out where I was. I don't even know why she's here." I said

"It'll be okay. Liesel just calm down." Norman said hugging me

"Whoa. What the hell happened out there Liesel?" Robert said walking towards me. "I'm not paying you to get stage fright."

"It wasn't stage fright. There's somebody in the audience. Who I thought was in jail, but she's not in jail any more. I'm sorry. It caught me off guard."

"It's okay, but you have to go out there and perform, and when you're done we'll go to your mother and tell her to get out of your life for good."

"Okay. Then go tell the people I'm ready."

"That's my baby girl." Norman said kissing the top of my head.

I got out there and people just looked at me. The music started and I started dancing. When I was done everyone clapped for me. I ran backstage and hugged everyone.

"Oh my god. You were amazing." Chandler said kissing me. We were interrupted by Moran fake coughing.

"Sorry." I said

"It's fine. Keep the kissing low key please. But besides that you were amazing."

"Thanks. Now can we go talk to my mother. She might leave any minute now." I said

"Let's go."

We walked around the building until we saw her. She was the last person in the building.

"Hey lady." Norman said

"Are you talking to me?" She asked

"Yeah we are. What are you doing here?"

"What I can't come and see my own daughter?" She asked

"No you can't because you signed a contract that says you have no right to have any contact with her." Norman said

"Well I do have the right to see you." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me toward her. Her nails were going into my skin.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I yelled


Chapter: Rewritten. Not spell checked

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now