Chapter 116: Wait

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I felt a sudden pain in my stomach. It felt like I was having period cramps but 10 times worse. I thought nothing of it. I thought it was one of those sudden pains, or the baby moving a lot. It was probably normal. I just need to stay calm. 

Chandler was decorating for the baby shower. It got pushed back because many people couldn't make it so now, that i'm 9 months, we're having the baby shower. "Hey Liesel can you had me the tape." Chandler said. I looked up and saw he was hanging a sign. He was standing on a ladder, which i've told him many time not to do. 

"Here." I said handing him the tape. "Now get off of there before you break your leg or something." I said. He taped the thing real quick and got down. He looked at the sign and turned to me. 

"Perfect isn't it?" He asked walking behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah." I said. 

"Just wait until the babies come out. I know you'll make a wonderful mother." He said softly in my ear. I smiled.

I turned around. "And I know you'll make a wonder father." I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. He smiled and kissed me back. 

Suddenly the pain came back. I winced. "Are you okay Liesel?" Chandler asked holding my arms softly in his arms.

"Yeah. Guess that babies are kicking real hard. They've been bothering me all morning. But i'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked

"Of course i'm sure. " I said smiling. "I just need to sit down for a few minutes." I walked over to the couch. Along the way Chandler grabbed me and helped me over. "Chandler i'm pretty sure I can walk to the couch myself."

"I know. I just... I just thought you'd want help. I know you hate me helping you so much. "

"Yes I do. Just go and pick up the food please?" I asked. Another pain. I tried to keep it in. 

"Are you sure you want to stay here alone?"

"Yes Chandler. Just go. The guests will be here in an hour. Please honey just get the food." He looked at me for a second.

"Okay i'll be back real fast okay? I promise." He cupped my face in his hands. He kissed me lightly.

"Okay. Now go." I said

He nodded his head and walked out the door. Once the car left the drive way, I got up and looked in the fridge for some food. But there wasn't any. I started walking towards my phone when I felt a sudden pain and dropped to my knees. I screamed in agony. 

My right arm held my back and the other arm supported me up from the floor. "Chandler?" I screamed and cried at the same time. A split second later I remember that he went to go get the food and wouldn't be back for a while. "Please!!! Please!!! I can't have the babies not now. AHHH!!!!" Another pain. 

I looked at the ceiling and tried to breath but I found it hard to. I tried so hard to get up but the pains where taking over my body. If I don't call someone soon i'm gonna be the one giving birth to my own children. When I reached the counter I grabbed my phone and called Chandler. But then his phone went off. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? Chandler why do you have to be stupid and leave you're phone here?" I asked myself. 

I looked again through my notifications and called Norman. After a few rings he answered. 


"Norman?" I winced

"Liesel? What's wrong is everything okay?" Norman asked worriedly 

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now