Chapter 76: I'm Broken

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~~~A few days later~~~

Today Chandler I were spending the day together. I'm really happy to be with Chandler again. My leg is still in that boot thing. And it's killing me. Ugh. I hate it. So i got dressed. I wore a Los Angeles shirt. Short shorts. (Not that short.) Blue shoes. Well i only wore one shoe, and put my rainobow hair in two piggy tails. 

After i was done i went back downstairs. Norman and Mingus were down there eating breakfast. Pancakes and Saugsue. Oh no.

"Hey Dad." i said

"Hey Liesel."

"Hey Mingus."

"Hey baby sis."

"Dad why'd you cook saugsue? Dont you remember the last time you made saugsue?"

"I didnt make it Megan did." Norman said

"Oh well if Megan made it then it....Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who the hell is Megan."

"Dad should i tell her or should i?" Mingus said

"Please dont tell me you adotped another girl."

"No. I didnt but sit down. I think it's time we had the talk."

"What talk?" I sat down

"We'll Liesel honey Megan is my........Girlfriend. We've been seeing each other for 2 months now."

"What?!?!? And you never bothered to tell me about her? What did you think i would just walk in your room and never notcied a women sleeping in there?"

"Sweetheart calm down. Were not sleeping together. Yet. Were just seeing each other. It's no big deal. Plus i was going to ask if you wanted to bring Chandler over so we could eat. You know Ally Mingus, You Chandler, and Megan and i."

"I'll ask him. But i cant believe you never told me. And you told Mingus. I thought we could tell each other anything. But i guess i was wrong." 

I ran out of the house before Norman said anything. Why would he keep this a secret? I thought we told each other everything. Maybe that was the problem. Norman does have his own  life and he doesnt have to tell me everything. But this was big and he didnt even bother telling me. I heard Norman and Mingus call my name. The i heard footsteps behide me. The person turned me around. It was Mingus.

"Hey Liesel you ok?" Mingus asked putting his hands on my shoudlers.

"Does it look like i'm ok?" i wipped my tears with both my hands.

"Why are you so upset?"

"Cause Dad told you about his girlfriend and not me. I should be able to know these kinda thing. And not just run into her in the house. Dad and i are like this." i crossed my finger. "And now were not. It's like something happened."

"Liesel just calm down. He only told me cause i'm his son."

"So i'm his daughter."

"No your not. Your adopted." 

I cried even more. "That's the meanest thing you've ever said to me."

"No i didnt mean it."

"You said it. Just leave me alone."

I walked away. I never thought he would say that. And Mingus out of all people. Why him? I thought me thought of me like a real sister but i was wrong. I was never welcomed in that house. Soon i got to the park. No one was there so i sat on the Rope brige and cried.

~~~1 hour later~~~

I was still crying. Then i heard someone walk up to me.

"Liesel what happened?" I heard Chandler said

I got off of the rope bridge. "Everything." I ran to his arms.

I cried into his shoudler. "Sh sh sh. Dont worry cry it out."

His voice calmed me down more. But i still cried. We moved and sat on the bench. He rubbed my back. And whispered in my hair. He said everything was going to be alright. After i was done crying me asked me again.

"Liesel what happened?"

"I woke up this morning. And i saw that Norman made breakfast. Or so i thought. I asked who made the breakfast and he said a girl named Megan. I asked who she is and he said his girlfriend. So i kinda yelled at him then ran out the house. The M-Mingus came out and talked to me. He said he only told Mingus about his girlfriend because he was his son. Then i said i was his daughter. Then he's like no that i'm adopted. That's just the meanest thing he'd ever said to me."

"He doesn't mean it. You know that."

"Chandler he meant it. Or else he wouldn't have said it."

"Look at me." he gaved my face with his hands. "They love you. Mingus did not mean it. "

I nodded. "They want you to come over for dinner. You get to meet Mingus's Girlfriend and Norman's."

"Ok come on."

~~~A few hours Later~~~

Chandler and i went to his house adn he got changed. Then we got to my house. Norman and his girlfriend were coking dinner. So Chandler and i went up to my room. I got changed. I wore a long white sleeved blouse. Some white short shorts. (Not that short.) Boot's that went just below my knees. And i wore a mint colored beanie.(Picture on the side) Before i went back to my room i quickly curked the tips the of my hair. Then went to my room. Chandler was on my laptop.

"Hey." i said walking into the room.

"Wow." was all he could say

"You like?"

"I love."

I giggled. Chandler walked over to me and pulled me closer to him until there was no gap between us. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. Then he pushed me against the wall and he put his hands on the wall. I put my hands in his back pockets.

"LIESEL!!! MINGUS!!!!! DINNER'S READY!!!!" Norman yelled

Chandler and i walked down stairs. We held hands. Then we heard the door close and i saw Mingus and Ally come out of his room. The four of us were about to walk into the kitchen when Mingus pulled me back. He motioned Ally and Chandler to go in.

"What do you want?" i asked harshly

"About what happened this morning i'm sorry. I didnt mean it to say your adopted. I really didnt. Please forgive me. I swear i will never say it again."

"Mingus you really hurt my feelings. I know i'm adopted but when people tell me that i think of my parents and how they didnt want me. I'll give you another chance but you have to promise me you'll never say i'm adopted again."

"I promise."

We walked into the kitchen. There stood Chandler, Ally, Norman, and Megan. Norman looked at me and gave me a smile. I gave him a half smile for half a second. 

"Megan this is Mingus my son and Liesel my daughter."

"Hi." we said

"It's very nice to meet the to of you. Norman i thought you didnt have a daughter just and adopted one."

"Yes i did adopt Liesel. But she's as much my child as Mingus is."

"But she doesnt have the same blood or traits as you."

I couldnt take it anymore. I turned around and walked out the front door. And sat on the steps. Is that what people think of me? Just another person who's adopted? I'm Broken.........


Hey my beautiful bubbly people. So how you been? That's great. So i want to ask you guys a favor. I'll write you guys more chapters. But i'm not going to make a squeal cause no one knows how i'm gonna end it. So yea. But either way back to the favor. I accutly have a few. First i'll write more chapters if you comment, follow me, and like my chapters. And i also need a ship name for Liesel and Chandler. You dont need to do all of these things. But please. Comment, follow, and like. Ok until next time.....


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