Chapter 100: Unknown

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My head was hot. I felt sick and I didn't want to get out of bed. I looked out of my window and saw the cars go by. Car honking, Music blasting, and construction going on. I rolled over to my side and tried to close my eyes. But then Chandler came into my room. He then jumped on my bed and hugged me.

"I missed you." he said.

"What do you want Chandler?" I asked softly

"What's wrong? You we're perfectly fine last night what happen? Did Norman ground you? What's you do this time? Oh my god what did they do this time?" Chandler asked

"Who did what this time?" I asked

"Never mind. Just tell me what's going on before I start making assumptions."

"It's kinda hard to explain."

"Try me."

I started explain. First I started about the picture. Then what Norman told me. And how my real parents wanted to meet me. He had the same reaction as Mingus did. "Your lying to me."

"Chandler if I were lying to you I would have said Platypus." I said

"What does a Platypus have to do with this?" He asked

"I don't know. But i'm not lying to you. I'm telling the truth. Why don't you believe me?"

"It's kinda hard to believe. I'm not saying your lying. It's just.. You know.."

"Yeah I know what your talking about. It's a lot to take in. And I can't deal with it. I'm only 15."

"Almost 16." he said. I hit his arm. "Ok i'm sorry. I know it's not the time to mess around with you. Do you need a hug?" I nodded my head

He opened his arms and gave me a hug. My head rested on his should. My arms wrapped around his waist and his arms around my should. When I let go I laid down on my bed.

"So what do you wanna do?" he asked

"I don't care. As long as I don't have to deal with drama."

"Do you wanna have a lazy day?"

"I would like to but don't you have to shoot today?"

"Yeah but I could skip it and go another day."

"No go and shoot. I'll stay here and wait for you."

"Yeah but If I go shoot i'm gonna be there until midnight you know that right?"

"I knew that. But you had to bring it up? You know what never mind. What time do you have to shoot?"

"At 3 o'clock. So we have 4 hours. What do you wanna do until then? Wanna watch a movie? Go to the skate park? Play video game? Make out....."

"Chandler Carlton Riggs." I said.

"Hey it was just an idea. And gotta admit it wasn't a bad one."

"It wasn't but no. I don't know what I wanna do. What do you wanna do?"

"We'll you know...."

"No Chandler. I already said no. We're not making out. Anything else besides that."

"Let's watch a movie then. What movie do you wanna watch?"

"Um... Mean Girls?"

"Really? So you don't want to do anything that has to do with drama. But you wanna watch a drama movie? That makes sense."

"Oh just shut up and put the movie in. And then come over here and cuddle with me."

"Liesel i'm a man I don't cuddle." He said putting in the movie.

Déjà Vu // Chandler Riggs (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now