Chapter 50: You Again

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It was Rachel........ I couldn't believe it. She was replacing me. Rachel gave me a devilish look. But when Hazel looked at her she did a sweet and innocent face.

"Rachel this is Liesel." Hazel said

"Haz. I already know who this is." Rachel said in a sweet voice.

"Hey that's my nickname for Hazel." i said in a mean voice

"Liesel be nice." Hazel said

"You don't understand Hazel. Rachel is a little devil."

"Umm Rachel i think we should go home."

"Ok but my mom said she would pick me. I'll just stay here and get to know my new friend."

"Bye Liesel Bye Rachel."

"Bye." Rachel said

Once Hazel closed the door Rachel went all devil mode on me.

"Listen here B****. I want you to stay away from Chandler and Hazel. She's my new Best friend. If i see you talking to her i'll...."

"You'll what tell Chandler? He doesn't even care about you."

"Yes he does. He's just hiding it."

"Ok whatever keeps you sleepning at night."

"Liesel have you......Rachel is that you?" Mingus said comeing into my room

"Oh my gosh Mingus." she said hugging him

"Mingus what do you want?"

"I was wondering if you've seen my plaid shirt?"

"Yea dad just irioned. Why do you need it."

"Because Hazel and i are going to get ice cream."

"Can i come?" Rachel asked

"No." i said before Mingus answered

"I wasn't asking you. I was asking Mingus."

"Umm sure."

"Mingus she's going to ruin eveything."

"No she isn't. Stop thinking that."

"Then i'm coming with you." i said sneezing.

I had totaly for got that i was sick. Then i feel down to the floor. Mingus came to the floor with me.

"Liesel you ok?" He asked

"Yea. I'm just lightheaded."

"Mingus i think you better go to get ice cream without me i'mm stay here and make sure Liesel is ok." Rachel said

"Ok well get better Liesel."

When Mingus closed the door someone came threw my window. I didn't know who it was. He grabbed my feet and Rachel grabbed my arms. I knew that thiks momment i was being kidnappened. They put me in a truck. Then the guy hit me with a rock. I blacked out.

I woke up lighthead in a dark room. When i opened my eyes my vision was blurry. I trid to focus. When i did i saw who was infront of me. It was Cole. 

"Look who's awake." He said

"Cole? Is that you?" i said

"Give this girl a prize."

"Why are you doing this Cole? I thought you weren't going to do this to me anymore."

"Well you thought wrong. I made you think that i changed but i didn't."

"And your wroking for Rachel."

"No. I'm Rachels boyfriend. Babe come over here."

I saw Rachel apper. She was standing by Cole. I couldn't believe what was happing. All i wanted was Norman and Mingus.


Sorry for the super short chapter. I am running out of idea's. I don't know if i'll update later because i'm going to my cousins gradution party later today. So if i can i will. i only have 3 more days with my school computer. Counting today. I love you all. 


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