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James realizes labour isn't at all what he had imagined or envisioned. He had had endless thoughts of scenarios of his Regulus crying and screaming in agony while he was left starnded, useless, having nothing to add to the situation; especially not any help. He envisioned Regulus cursing at him, swearing that James would never be allowed to touch his sexually ever again.

But that isn't how it is going. Regulus isn't screaming. Regulus isn't yelling at him. He certainly isn't warding off his body to James for the rest of eternity.

Regulus is a quiet natured person regardless.

Instead of screaming or yelling, Regulus is deeply inhaling with tears streaming down his focused face. He isn't like the people in labour that James had seen in too many muggle movies to name.

He is calm and soft and focused on delivering their child. And James is so much more than proud.

Regulus breathes deeply, a low groan escaping his mouth.

"That's it, Regulus, vocalize it. You've been very quiet, honey. Let us know when you feel a contraction so I can time it," Their midwife speaks softly.

They'd opted for something a little more personal; a home birth in an inflatable pool of warm water.

Both Regulus and Sirius had been birthed and delivered at home, it was something the Black family liked to do. No matter how far Regulus had bravely strayed from his family and his heritage, he kept certain things alive, although he somehow disassociated them with his family. And this made James so proud.

Regulus nods, eyes screwed shut as he whimpers quietly. He's resting his cheek against the side of the inflated pool, his hands held tight to his swollen belly.

He's naked but the water covers him mostly, his hair slightly sweaty and sort of wet from the water in the pool, his cheeks a flushed pink and his forehead glistening with sweat. His dark eyelashes lay curtained against his sweaty cheeks. James doesn't think he's ever seen the brunette look more stunningly beautiful.

James brushes stray strands of ebony away from his sweaty forehead. "You're doing so, so good, baby, so good," He praises softly. Regulus cracks open his eyes slightly, lids fluttering.

Regulus isn't aggressive like birth is made out to be via television and movie scripts. He's soft and sweet and trying so hard to birth their baby that it makes James feel such an overwhelming sense of pride and love for the younger man.

"L-love you, J," Regulus manages to whisper softly and sweetly.

"I love you more, sweetheart," James replies. His heart aches as he watches Regulus' face screw up in agony as another contraction ripples through his body. "Breath through it," He soothes.

He blindly reaches for James' hand. James complies immediately and let's Regulus tightly squeeze his hand as much as he needs to. The younger eyes search around the room frantically.

"J-James," He whimpers as James brings a hand to his head, gently running his fingers through his love's hair. 'It hurts," He whispers. "It hurts,"

James' face softens. He gives him a sympathetic look. "I know, baby, I know." He gently kisses his forehead. "Just be strong, darling, be so strong, alright?"

"You're almost there, Regulus," The nurse announces gently.

Regulus mumbles something in reply that James doesn't quite catch. He kneels closer to the side of the birthing pool. "You're so close, babe, baby's almost here," He soothes, taking Regulus' delicate and shaking hand in his large, reassuring one. "Almost there,"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now