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"You alright?"

James looks up from the toilet bowl with a grin face, pale and sickly. He spots his husband peering down at him with a concerned face. James shakes his head, opening his mouth to speak before sticking his head back into the unwelcoming toilet bowl and promptly vomiting once more.

Regulus makes a sympathetic face before stepping over to James and kneeling next to him, rubbing the small of his back. "Oh, love," He hums softly as he gently rubs soothing circles against James' back. "That's it. Get it all up, you're okay, you're okay," He says quietly.

James heaves a little before sitting back on his heel, his face distorted with his nausea. " you think I have a tummy bug? I...I don't want to get my hopes up, y'know, Daisie had one a few weeks ago-"

"Daisie had a tummy bug about a month ago, hon," Regulus reminds his husband in a soft voice. He strokes his hand up and down James' back. "I...I think this is it," He smiles.

James breaks into a small smile. "You think?" He asks. "I don't want to get our hopes up-"

Regulus presses his lips to James' temple in a shy manner. "We can take a test, if it'd make you feel better? I think I've still got some lingering in one of the cabinets,"

James nods slowly, running a hand through his dishelved hair. "I think I'd like to know," He hums in response. "We've only been trying for a couple of weeks. I'm...I'm not sure if I would be pregnant yet, would I?" He asks, looking to his husband hopefully.

Regulus shrugs, standing up to retrieve a pregnancy test. "You could be early days," He suggests softly. He hands James the test. "It'll happen when itn happens, try not to worry, hon. It took us almost a year for me to get pregnant with Daisie and then I got pregnant with Oliver a little while after we started trying for a second, remember?" He reminds gently.

James sighs. "I know, I know," He smiles softly. "I just hope this is it, y'know?" He fiddles with the test in his grip n

Their plan to get James pregnant had started a year ago with the urge and yearning to have a third baby. Regulus had experienced major heart failure during Oliver's birth and was strongly advised to not undergo a third pregnancy.

Regulus had accepted this.

Until baby Franklin had been born. Franklin Lupin-Black made Regulus' heart cry for another baby, for just one more. He had baby fever, and soon, James did too.

James had suggested the idea. "I think I could do it, Reg. You'd take great care of me, right?" He had smiled and Regulus just knew then and there that they should start trying again. He wanted to care and support James the way that James had already done for him twice before.

Regulus ruffles his hair gently. "Just take the test, James. I'm gonna go get Daisie and Oliver ready for bed, then we can talk about it some more, if you'd like, eh?"

James smiles, half nervously, half tenderly as he watches his husband leave to tend to their children. He can hear the laughter rising as Regulus begins getting their babies ready for bed.

Regulus had tucked Daisie into her bed before reading to her and repeating the same with Oliver. They're five and three, half of him, half of James.

Regulus pops on the kettle and James appears in the kitchen with the pregnancy test. Regulus looks to him with a hesitent grin. "Well?" He asks, setting two mugs upon the countertop.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now