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Eloise Willow Potter hums loudly whilst sitting atop the kitchen counter tops as her father prepares her breakfast for her. She isn't too fond of his scrambled eggs, but she supposes that they will have to suffice. Her daddy had already told -no, warned- her that they can not wake her mother right now.

Her humming must have gone above the allowed humming volume for ten in the morning as James glances at her.

"Eloise, lovey, you have to be just a little bit quieter, hon, mummy's sleeping," James tells his five year old daughter. "Mummy needs his sleep right now, your baby brother is being troublesome," James can not seem to avoid the way his lips curve into a smile at the thought of his unborn son.

Eloise pouts. "But daddy, I love humming," She whines.

James plants a small kiss to her forehead, spatula in hand, "I know that, baby, I know," His tone is sympathetic. "But you know how much mummy needs his sleep. You baby brother has been kicking a lot more lately,"

Eloise's pout only seems to deepen at this, hovering on the borders of a frown. "Well, tell him to stop annoying my mummy," She complains.

James chuckles softly before shaking his head. "Eloise, mummy is going to be a mummy to both of you, you'll need to share mummy, I'm afraid," He explains gently. He squeezes his daughters tiny hand in his much lather one. "Your brother isn't annoying mummy, he's just telling mummy know he's in there, he's saying hello,"

"Well, maybe he shouldn't say hello," Eloise frowns, crossing her arms across her small body. Her little eyebrows furrow together, making James laugh as he scoops her into his arms.

"He says hello to you too, my love," James kisses her cheek as he serves them breakfast. "Now, if you're good and eat all of your eggs," James pauses. "We can go make mummy some of his favorite tea and bring it upstairs to him, would you like that?"

Eloise nods, smiling, as she swallows a chunk of her eggs. To be fair to him, her daddy didn't do terrible at cooking up these eggs. "Yay!" She grins. "Mummy would love that!" She beams at James, who only smiles wider.

"He would," James agrees. "Now, eat up before everything gets cold,"

Regulus cracks his eyes open to see his daughter pawing at his cheek. He smiles sleepily. "Good morning, angel," His voice is scratchy and tired.

"Mummy! We've brought you some of your tea!" Eloise greets with a cheery smile.

Regulus smiles, trying to sit up a little. He smiles to James before turning his attention back to his little girl. "Did you? Wow, what did I do to deserve such a sweet little family, mmh?" He wraps his arms around Eloise tightly. "Did daddy make you some breakfast?"

Eloise nods. "We had some scrambled eggs, daddy used to spatula!" Eloise explains, sounding out the word 'spatula' as difficultly as any five year old would.

"Lovely," Regulus comments as James passes him his tea before shimming into the bed, hauling back the covers to greet his son.

James' palm smooths itself over Regulus' bump. "How did the little guy sleep? Still having a sore back, love?" He inquires.

Regulus hums with a nod. "He's been more restless lately," He shrugs as he takes a sip of his Earl Grey tea.

Eloise clambers in between her parents, making herself cosy and snug. "Restless?" She repeats, the pronunciation of the word has been lost to her. "But he's got so much sleep?"

Regulus chuckles, stroking back the stray blonde hairs that gather at the front of his daughters head. He has no idea where her blonde genetics have come from, but he adores it. "Your little brother likes to kick, Eloise, it's just his way of reminding us all about him,"

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