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For TestingMyPatience66 💜💗

Regulus breathes heavily as he flings sweater upon sweater upon T-shirt upon quidditch jersey into a nearby suitcase. A small hiccup escapes past his lips when he throws his wand messily into the opened suitcase. Regulus let's a hand fall to his belly, his fingers gently stroking the growing bump. The baby is kicking a lot. 

"S'gonna be okay," Regulus utters shakily. His hands are shaking too. "I'm gonna get us away from here. It'll be okay soon,"

Tossing the suitcase out the window was less than fashionable, but it stands as Regulus' only option. The suitcase lands with a sharp thud that Regulus hopes won't wake his mother and father.

It certainly won't be waking anybody else. Sirius had run away a year prior, to live with James and his family. Regulus' James. Regulus feels selfish to assume he can do the same.

Wearily, Regulus lowers himself out of the window. He's on the third floor of the large Victorian. It is where his parents have always located he and Sirius' bedrooms for some unfavorable reason. His parents are sleeping on the second floor. Or at least Regulus hopes that they are.

Regulus steps lightly out onto the ledge. The streets below are bustling and busy, even at such a late hour, and he sighs, taking a deep breath before making a grab for a nearby tree branch. He slowly climbs down, his feet reaching the ground below with a soft sound. He knows that James would be less than impressed to know he's preforming acrobatics at five months pregnant, no less.

Once settled, Regulus tugs his suitcase along with him and sets off. He's sure he'll be okay. He can navigate his way to James'. Getting there won't be the problem, but perhaps getting in may be.

By the time Regulus arrives at the gates of James' family's manor, the sun has risen a little bit. It is no longer the dead of night and the world is starting to wake up. Regulus feels tired and achy and his baby is kicking harshly. He staggers through the gates, wondering briefly if anyone is awake.

Reaching the front door, Regulus shakily brings his hand up to knock. He feels anxious and nauseous, so exhausted and so filled with fear. His wrist still aches horribly from both the sharp slap and the hex his mother had applied to it earlier that evening, well hours had passed; Regulus may consider it the day prior now.

Regulus is sure if he investigated the damage, his wrist most indefinitely would be a bright shasde of crimson by now. The pain is agonizing, leaving his wrist limp and unable to lug his suitcase around in the early hours of the morning; which is supposedly the real torture in Regulus' life. 

Perhaps Regulus maybe should have just subsided his terrible queasiness and just eaten the goddamn dinner, courtesy of the house elves, that she had been forcing down his throat.

Regulus breathes in sharply, his baby active and kicking sharply. His ribs hurt from the baby's constant activity and Regulus really needs to just lay down by now. He feels the familiar sting of frustrated and exhausted tears

It is early morning, Regulus can hear slight noises coming from inside of the house. A small clattering sound coming from a nearby opened window. Perhaps the Potter family are enjoying breakfast? Or something wholesome like that.

He expects James to appear with his warm, welcoming smile and usher him inside. But Regulus certainly hadn't been prepared for his elder brother to open the door, his mouth falling open at the sight of him and then swiftly closing.

Sirius eyes the suitcase in his brother's small grip before gazing at him, their identical pair of eyes meeting. Sirius' features are cold and uncertain as he analyses the tears in his younger brother's eyes. "Hello, Regulus?" Sirius offers, unsure and cautious.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now