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Staring at little Chase Lupin-Black, with his mouth full to the brim of some form of overly sugared cereal, his grey eyes wide and bright and child like, Regulus frowns. "What did he just say?" He turns to James in annoyance.

"I believe he said 'unka', which I presume is his vernacular for 'uncle'," James replies, amused.

Regulus rolls his eyes, running a hand through his hair. "Right," He murmurs. "I didn't realize he had started speaking so much. Where on earth did he learn to say uncle?" Regulus asks, but what he really means is 'who's telling him we're related?'.

Shrugging, James says, "Probably Moony. He's all about Chase getting to know his family, even if his husband is still rather indifferent towards you. Honestly, I've told Pads we've been hanging out and that you've been around Chase, but he still doesn't seem to want to reconnect,"

"Good. I don't want to bloody reconnect either. I don't even want to connect with my nephew, quite frankly," Regulus grumbles. "Also, I think we've been doing much more than hanging out," He adds.

James laughs at this, petting Chase's hair affectionately. "Well, I didn't want Chase to hear what we actually do together," He smirks playfully. He watches Regulus for a few moments as he comes to sit at the table with his godson and Regulus. "You should really stop staring at him. He's three, Reg. He isn't going to massacre you behind your back if you let him out of your sight for a few seconds,"

Regulus narrows his eyes further. "I know that!" He says quickly, brushing a hand over his cheek as he rests his pointed chin in his palm. "But he's just so......so.....Sirius," He furrows his eyebrows. "I don't like it," He includes.

James snorts at this, rolling his eyes. "Of course he looks like Padfoot, it's his little boy, after all. He's got Moony's little grin though, haven't you, mister?"

Chase giggles as James gently tickles his neck. "Uncle Reggie's just being moody, eh? He's been sick lately, s'why he's being such a-"

"If you say twat in front of Sirius' baby to insult me, he's going to blame me," Regulus muses.

Chuckling, James turns to Chase. "Don't tell your mumma and dada that we've been saying naughty words, mmh? Keep it a secret for uncle Prongsie?" James coos.

Regulus smirks. "Your love for this child is insufferable. He isn't even entertaining, at least Narcissa's baby screams sometimes. God, it's definitely Lucius' karma, eh? This howling, white haired baby,"

James laughs. "That poor kid, I reckon they're going to have to put a silencing spell on him, shut him up for a bit,"

"Mmh, maybe Narcissa will cast one on that ruddy husband of hers while she's at it," Regulus stands up. "Right, I'm off. Thanks for the...." He opts to mouth the word sex, ergo; his brother's spawn won't find it legible. "I'll see you soon,"

James grins brightly before shaking his head. "You aren't even going to give Chase a kiss goodbye? You know he adores you, even if his daddy doesn't right now,"

"I don't adore Sirius just as much as he doesn't adore me. It is a mutual resentment, it won't change anytime soon, James," Regulus reminds him hastily. "And no, I will not be smothering that little thing in kisses. I'll wave at him, that's about it,"

"Why are you so afraid of him?" James asks suddenly. "He's just a baby,"

Regulus frowns. "I am not afraid of him!" He insists.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now