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Regulus Arcturus Black is soaked and cold and having an absolutely horrible, horrible, horrible day. And he's extremely, extremely cold.

Work has been exhausting. He'd seen patient after patient after patient and them eventually had trailed down the maternity ward to visit his own healer.

That hadn’t even been the worst part. The worst part was for sure the achingly cold gel used to check on his baby. He was proud of himself, even, for managing, and looking forward to a nice, calm evening back home where he could whine and be given tea and cuddles and love.

Right then, Regulus had stepped out into a rare patch of sun without so much as a hat, thinking it would be fine. He is a damn fucking fool. It’s never fine; it’s his life, isn't it?

The front door slams shut behind him, blocking out the downpour of raim he had managed to have been caught in. Regulus catches his husband's eye and can see the exact second he takes in just how completely soaked to the bone he is.

"Bit damp out-"

"I’m not in the fucking mood, James, hon," Regulus snaps. He can’t even bring himself to feel sorry when the smile drops off of James' bright face. At least James is dry. Regulus sighs, suddenly feeling very remorseful.

It’s hard to even realise that James has moved, Regulus is that exhausted and oh so terribly cold and soaked and not happy, not at all. He feels like a disgruntled cat. He is most definitely disgruntled.

But James takes his hand, despite it al. Softly, very softly. He intertwines their fingers, and Regulus feels just a tiny bit warmer just for that. "Bad day?" James murmurs. Regulus manages a snort.

"Terrible day," Regulus corrects. James smiles tenderly as je brings Regulus' hand to his lips and kisses his knuckles, so, so softly. "I’m sorry I snapped at you,"

"You’re alright," James whispers. "My poor, poor soaked little darling," He adds. Regulus sighs once more. "Would you like to have a bath, love? You're gonna freeze right to the bone, you're shivering,"

Regulus hums. Now that he is inside, where it’s warm and dry and not him bundled up against the rain on his own, he feels better. Calmer, at least. Maybe that’s just his Jamss.

"And some tea," Regulus decides. James grins. "And cake, please," He adds because he's very pregnant and James is all too indulging.

James presses his lips against his knuckles again. Briefly, but so sweetly, so sweetly. Oh, Merlin, Regulus loves him to pieces. "How did your checkup go, eh?" James inquires.

"Baby's doing really good," Regulus answers.

"And mummy?"

Regulus sighs softly. He tries to smile. "Mummy's soaking wet,"

James laughs. He moves to pull away but Regulus tightens his grip, holding just a little bit tighter.



Regulus shifts his weight from foot to foot; James is still smiling at him. It is a barely there thing. But it is there and it’s soft and kind and wow, Regulus is so disgustingly in love.

"Kiss me?" Regulus asks, trying to look hopeful.

James laughs, heartfeltly, but leans in close, stepping right up to him, to do that very thing. He kisses Regulus so gently, so lovingly, and Regulus feels himself burn a touch brighter.

James pulls away far too soon, but that’s alright. "I’ll kiss you more in the bath," He tells his husband.

"I do suppose I should get out of these clothes before baby and I catch a fever," Regulus responds.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now