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Regulus shakes his head, burying himself further into the warmth of the soft hotel duvets. "Mmh, we'll end up inducing my labor, James," He tells his boyfriend.

James snorts, nibbling at Regulus' pale neck. "Oh, c'mon, hon," He argues gently. "Sirius was only joking about that," He reaches to gently pat the swell of Regulus' belly.

It is the morning of Sirius and Remus' wedding and Regulus is heavily pregnant with the couple's first child; a baby boy. Previously, Sirius had made a remark in passing and James fears that Regulus thinks his brother genuinely meant it.

"Whatever you do, do not pop that kid out during our big day, eh?"

The smirk on Sirius' face as he had say it should have been evidence enough. But Regulus has been reluctant to do anything that may potentially induce his labor in the past week. A fraction of James wonders if this links back to their childhood; of Regulus yearning for his brother's approval, to fit in with Sirius. Somewhere in him, Regulus is still that nine year old little boy who just wants to please and impress his big brother.

Regulus sighs, his hand joining his boyfriend's against his baby bump. He stares at the ceiling. "I...I know that," He says in a soft tone. "But I don't want to ruin his day-"

James blinks, rubbing small circles against Regulus' swollen belly. "Reg, baby, you're not going to ruin his day." He reminds firmly. "I'm sure Sirius and Remus would rather both you and the little one are safe and healthy than have you ignore contractions all day," He looks to Regulus. "Promise me if you even feel a little bit off, you'll let me know?"

Regulus hesitates before, "I'm sorry, I'm just over thinking it," He sighs. "Sirius and I have been fine for years, I..I don't know why I keep over thinking this."

"Thats alright, love," James reassures him. He lightly drums his fingers against Regulus' baby bump. "We'll have a great day, it'll be great and I'll even drink all of your free champagne for you," He jokes gently.

Rolling his eyes, Regulus chuckles. "What a doteful boyfriend I have,"

James snickers in response. "I try my very best, don't I?" He presses his lips to Regulus' belly, kissing lightly along the swell of his lover. He listens to the way in which Regulus' breath hitches slightly.

"Are you trying your very best now?" Regulus' voice wavers. He has become more sensitive, every touch from James sends him into over drive since becoming pregnant with their child. He pauses. "Because if you were, I'd have came by now," He murmurs with a smirk.

James groans a little at this, growing hotter by the second. "You're such a flirt," He hums as he his lips trail down Regulus' abdomen, heading towards his pajamas pants, nibbling at his skin as he goes.

"You two look freshly fucked," Sirius comments as soon as Regulus and James appear for the pre-ceremony breakfast. Remus and Sirius aren't conventional. They haven't really bought into the entire rule of not seeing your fiancé before the event.

Regulus blushes a deep scarlet color before, "I...I don't actually, though, right?"

As though the large baby bump wasn't enough to state his lack of innocence, Regulus truly hopes that he does not appear 'freshly fucked'.

Sirius laughs heartfeltly, ruffling his little brother's hair. "M'only joking, you idiot. Besides, the only reason that I know that you've had quite a nice morning is because I heard you two,"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now