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Regulus sighs in frustration. It is a deep and heavy sigh, acquitted with a slight hint of humiliation as he stares at himself in the mirror of the prefects toilets.

He's alone, and thank Merlin for that, Regulus thinks as he stands, facing the mirror with his school shirt opened and his growing bump softly jutting out over the edge of his dark grey school trousers.

"You're making your poor mama fat, y'know," Regulus scoffs as he gently strokes small, soft half moons against the soft skin of his belly. "Surely, after carrying you around for five months, I deserve a little better than that, eh, love?" He hums.

Slowly, Regulus begins to button up his shirt. He's got classes to get to, he is a busy prefect, after all. It's particularly how he got into this situation.

He had been doing his nightly rounds, Regulus likes his routine. He likes to do his rounds, to scope out any misbehaving third years that happen to have a joint or two on them. Regulus also likes to confiscate the joints, leaving the third years trembling in the unknown anxiety of whether Regulus will tell on them or not.

He had been enjoying one of these joints to himself one evening, it couldn't have been more than half past ten; when he had spotted him.

James Potter.

One thing had led to another, as it always does. Regulus would be lying if he didn't recall hurting terribly over a Ravenclaw boy in the year above him that he had endured an unstably private relationship with. Fortunately, it had come to an end. In hindsight, maybe Regulus wasn't all that good a shag for the Ravenclaw fellow.

But he certainly had been for James Potter, whom of which he'd has to approach weeks later to inform him that he was planning on keeping the little incident they had made together that night after sharing one of the confiscated joints.

Since then, things had been okay or Regulus. He had slowly managed to rekindle whatever element of brotherhood he and Sirius had managed to keep aflame, Remus Lupin offered him chocolate whenever he saw him (dark chocolate, Remus somehow knew it was Regulus' favorite and Regulus is willing to bet Sirius had informed him of that), Peter Pettigrew had even begun suggesting he babysit the oncoming baby, Lily Evans had taken to attempting to knit something for the baby, it had all gone semi uphill very quickly for Regulus.

And he was surprisingly handling it well, he supposes.

That is until much earlier this morning when he had noticed a few stray stretch marks decorating his hip. Regulus had simply scoffed and rolled his stormy but now, now that he's redressing himself and actually taking them in; now he just feels strange.

Regulus has been slowly shying away from James' touch as of late, ever since his belly had begun to swell. Yes, he and James had somewhat picked up where they had left off. The sex has been causal, nothing too extreme or strenuous for an aching Regulus, but it has been nice.

It has been tender and gentle and soft and James touches him like he is the shiniest silk to ever grace England.

Regulus doesn't think it's too bad a bargain.

"Hey, mornin'," James' raspy tone breaks Regulus out of his thoughts. Regulus thanks every God there is that he had managed to fully cloth himself before James' arrival. "Everything alright? How'd you sleep?" James inquires, a lazy grin upon his face.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now