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Sirius huffs. "I'm sorry but I just don't like anything about this, Regulus! Quite frankly, I can't believe that this is even happening!" He claims, folding his arms over his chest.

Regulus blinks back at him in response. They have been arguing for the past forty minutes, forty minutes ago when Sirius had arrived to see Regulus unpacking his things as he moves into James' apartment. "Alright, okay! You've made that clear enough, Jesus Christ," He grits.

Regulus sighs. He shakes his head. "Sirius, look, James...James wants me here, he wants me to be apart of his and the baby's life. He wants this. He wants us go give this whole family thing a go. If....if you can't be happy about this because I'm in the equitation, then that just isn't fair!" He remarks. "If you seriously think that a tiny baby girl doesn't deserve a father just because I'm the father....then....then I don't know what you want me to say about this anymore,"

"Just forget it! I'm not....I'm not addressing it anymore, I refuse to even be in your company amymore," Sirius grumbles in response as tugs on his jacket before swiftly leaving.

Regulus sighs in frustration, running a hand through his dark hair. James appears in the doorway of the kitchen, already in his pajamas with a sympathetic expression upon his face. He meets Regulus' tired eyes. "He'll come around, he's just frustrated," He says quietly.

Regulus shakes his head. "I...I just feel bad about all of this," He mumbles. He adverts his gaze for a moment before, "I don't want to put any stress on you, I'm sorry,"

"Hey, hey," James says softly, approaching Regulus, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Don't apologize, alright? There's nothing that either of you need to be sorry about. Sirius is my best friend, your the father of my child. I need both of you, whether Sirius likes that or not,"

Regulus smiles softly. He loves James' honey brown eyes, pools of mahogany. They're getting comfortable with one anyone. Occasionally they share soft kisses and that is enough for Regulus. He doesn't crave a relationship with James, not for now, at least; he's just more than grateful to be able to appreciate James in all of his third trimester glory.

"I know, I know," Regulus replies gently. "I...I just....sometimes I want us to get along for you, y'know?"

"I know, I get it," James' eyes shift. He frowns slightly. "It'll get better. But don't do it for me, Reg, I want you to mend things for you. And for Sirius,"

Regulus watches as James drops a hand to his belly before gazing downwards. "She's kicking a little bit more lately," He comments.

Regulus raises an eyebrow. "Really?" He asks. "That's...that's amazing," He's never felt their baby girl kick yet. They aren't exactly there yet, he supposes.

"Mmh," James hums in response. Wordlessly he gently take Regulus' hand in his, guiding it towards his abdomen. "Just...just give it a second, she'll do it again,"

Regulus feels his heart flutter as he waits. Suddenly, a soft thud can be felt. "Merlin," Regulus whispers in disbelief. "James, that's wonderful. She's so wonderful,"

James nods. "She's starting to move around a lot since it's nearer to my due date," James says as he slowly guides them to the sofa, never letting Regulus' hand leave his belly.

"When are you due?"

"April 9th," James answers.

"An Aries baby,"

"Aries?" James repeats. "I'm an Aries," He smiles softly at this realization.

"I'm a cancer," Regulus says.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now