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James had almost instantly asked Regulus to move in with him, his reasoning being that it would be much easier to create a nursery in only one home. Regulus had been wary at first, it had taken him a couple of weeks of mulling over the idea to give in, but with his flat on the market and James' cottage cosy and warm as he grows their child; Regulus couldn't have been happier with the idea.

That is until he hears somebody stepping through the floo and a small babbling takes over. "Unka Prongs!" Chase cheers as his small grey eyes search for James. James who is out currently and should be back soon, leaving Regulus alone and now in the presence of his startled older brother and chirpy nephew.

Sirius' mouth falls open immediately. "You....you?!" He stammers, his sharp grey eyes narrowing intensely. "What are you doing here? In....in James' house?!" He snaps suddenly, tightening his grip on Chase.

Regulus doesn't find the time to respond as Remus Lupin interrupts him; stumbling through the floo with shaggy brown hair falling into his amber eyes, a grin on his face. Said grin falters when he spots who is sitting, curled up, on his mate's sofa.

"What...." Remus trails, perplexed. 

Chase seems to fill the silence as he gruggles. "Unka Reg!" He shout gleefully. He makes small, needy grabbing motions for Regulus and Regulus sighs.

Regulus bites his lip before, "Hiya, buddy," He greets Chase, whom of which he has become somewhat more used to in the past twenty weeks of his pregnancy, twenty weeks of which James has persuaded Sirius to not come over during. It is truly a pity James isn't home, it is also truly a pity that Regulus hadn't found time to hide like a nervous child before his brother's arrival.

Sirius stares at him. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He grunts, his grip on his son never loosening. If only he knew how many times Regulus had had to put up with his son in the past few months of he and James' semi relationship.

Regulus stares right back, hoping to assert some form of dominance. "Shouldn't I be asking you the very same question?" He grits. Between his hormones and his immense fear of seeing his brother, Regulus tries to find a biting tone.

Remus swiftly takes his young son from his husband's loving arms. "Chase doesn't need to hear whatever either of you are about to say," He says, shaking his head. He looks briefly at Regulus, Regulus can not determine his expression; although he can sense the protectiveness radiating off of Remus as he takes his child into the next room, leaving the brother's alone.

"You've got a lot of fucking nerve, speaking to my son," Sirius barks harshly.

Regulus wraps the blanket he's huddled under tighter around himself, not wanting Sirius to see him like this; swelled with James' child, even if his bump isn't all too big; he's more delicate and slighter than most at twenty weeks. "Yeah? Then why did he speak to me first?" Regulus snarks.

Sirius tightens his jaw, clenching it roughly before, "He's a toddler, he doesn't know how....how you are," Sirius states, rather darkly.

"How I am?" Regulus repeats.

Sirius nods curtly. "How long have you been seeing him for? How does he know who you are?" He demands, he shakes his head suddenly, seemingly not wanting the answer anymore. "How long have you been in this house for? Does...does James even know you're here?"

"No, I came in through the back window, don't tell him I've nicked all of his good silverware; he's got some nice signet rings I'm planning on selling on a market," Regulus harks, sarcasm dripping within his tone, oozing like an opened wound.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now