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They don't address it any further. The only thing that James knows for certain is that Regulus had simply figured this all out all by himself with no help from a healer.

Naturally, James had questioned this. But Regulus had assured him he knew for certain that things weren't quite right. He grits that he will eventually work up the courage to visit someone in the medical field. But as far as James is aware, he has not done that yet.

They continue to meet every Friday. Initially, James assumes that Regulus needs company, some kind of support. But he had been mistaken. They simply carry on as usual. Well; whatever usual is for the pair of them.

James notices the way Regulus' body changes slightly. Regulus does not allow James to haul his jumper off anymore but James can feel the swell of his belly when he grips at his waist as his lips trail along the younger teen's jaw hungrily.

They don't talk about it. James had offered that they could, if Regulus wanted to, but Regulus had given a rushed reply that if he wanted to talk about it, he could complain to Rosier and Crouch. James never received a solution for if he wanted to talk about it.

James is slouched in the Great Hall, with Peter opposite him, and Remus next to him; a jug of water between them all. Sirius enters, plopping himself down next to Peter.

"How's your brother then?" Remus inquires, not looking up from his well overdue Potions homework. The last full moon had been rather difficult and Remus refused the other three teenager's urging to let them do it for him. "Did you get to speak to him?" He wonders.

James feels his heart skip a beat, his pulse jolting in his veins. Fuck. They know, they definitely know. James adverts his gaze to the piece of parchment spread before Remus, Remus' messy handwriting inked along the pages in a rushed manner.

Sirius shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "I caught him in the library this morning," He says slowly. "He doesn't want to talk about it, apparently, or so one would assume, judging by his tone when he told me to go fuck myself," He snorts a little at this. "I told him to stop being such a little brat,"

Remus looks up, raising his eyebrows. Peter chuckles. Suddenly, James feels as though he has been excluded. Maybe perhaps because they know.

James clears his throat, innocently. "Um, what about your brother?" He utters quickly. He looks across the table towards Sirius, hoping he appears the picture of innocence.

"He's pregnant, James, did...did you not know that? God, it's all anyone's been able to whisper about for the last week," Sirius squints slightly. He frowns, shaking his head once more. "I was sure I had told you," He shrugs. 

James blinks. Remus, thankfully, speaks first. "Well, everyone is whispering for good reason, aren't they? One of the forth years mentioned that Rosier had threatened a few second years for laughing,"

Peter smiles a little bit at this revelation. He turns to Sirius. "See? You don't have anything to feel responsible for, clearly he has friends in his corner," He offers meekly.

Sirius shrugs. "Well, I just told him I'm not taking care of him if he's going to have such a snappy attitude with me. He can figure it out for himself, for all I bloody well care,"

James nods curtly. "Um, I...I didn't know this was local gossip," He hums. "It's...it's only come out in the last week then, has it?" He questions.

Too guilty, Potter, you've incriminated yourself now, James thinks.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now