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James Potter doesn't know exactly what has hit him, he just knows that she has fiery red hair and a mean left hook.

"Evans!" He gasps, clutching his cheek. "Jesus, if you think beating me will make me leave you alone, you've got another thing coming, woman," He almost laughs but the seething expression Lily is throwing him wards him against it.

Sirius steps over. "Uh, what is going on over here?" He muses. "A lovers quarrel, perhaps?"

"You two are cruel!" Lily insists. "Turning that poor boy away like that, he's your brother, Sirius!" She snaps. "Have you no shame?!"

Peter blinks. "This is about Regulus? You've instigated an attack on us over Regulus Black?" He squints, unsure of the situation.

Lily whips around to face Sirius, entirely ignoring Peter. "He's your brother! Don't you think he at least deserves a support system when he's visibly upset? He was crying! You all contributed to those tears-"

James stiffens suddenly. He had preferred to pretend he hadn't seen the glassy gleam in Regulus' eyes. "We upset him, did we? Well we'll apologize, then Evans, if it means that much to you. Not that it's any of your bloody business," James scoffs. "Dunno why you're suddenly so invested in Padfoot's kid brother,"

Lily scoffs. "Oh, believe me, I'm not the only one invested in Black's kid brother!" Lily folds her arms over her chest, facing him. "And you're right, for once! He is a kid! You've got a lot to answer for, you fucking prat. How could you treat him like that? Just when I thought you couldn't get any worse!"

"Hang on a minute, Lily, we all upset Regulus," Remus says softly. "Well, I didn't say anything. But the rest of you taunted him," Remus' premiere claim suddenly holds no value so he shrugs. "See?" He looks to Sirius. "I told you he was upset and you should've been nicer!"

But Lily isn't finished, she prods her finger into James' chest viciously. "I can not believe you! You've ruined his life, both of your lives and then you didn't even let Regulus tell you about it!" She scoffs. "You've gone and put him in such a messy situation and I've already told him he certainly doesn't need your help with it but Jesus, I mean, nobody wants to go through that alone for Christ sake!"

"Right then, well I don't know who else he's been sleeping with but I certainty haven't given him any sort of disease, so he can take his sexually transmitted disease up with somebody else!" James eventually snaps. He doesn't miss how Sirius cocks his head too stare in shock at him.

But Remus shouts instead. "You slept with Sirius' fucking brother?!" He yelps. "Seriously, James?!"

"How could they fuck? They're straight! Regulus is as straight as wand!" Sirius cries in disbelief. "My mum made sure of it!"

James just groans in response. "Yes! For Merlin's sake, yes! Quite a lot, actually, I slept with him quite a lot," He scratches the back of his head. "Fuck, what's happened him then? Regulus, he alright?" He turns back to Lily. "He's angry with me, isn't he? What have I done that's upset him, eh?"

Lily tuts, shaking her head. "For one, you ignored him when he so clearly needed your attention and secondly, he's pregnant, James. You've gotten him pregnant. He's sixteen, for crying out loud!" She shouts, losing her temper once more. "You've gotten a sixteen year old pregnant and stuck with your baby for the rest of his life!"

James' mouth falls open and Sirius lunges across the room. "My mother is going to fucking kill you with her bare hands! How dare you touch him, Prongs! He's the one who's been in your bed, hasn't he? He's fucking sixteen and having your baby?! Why, I ought-"

Remus reaches for his fiesty other half and gingerly tries to restrain Sirius. "Stop it! God, you're not a street fighter, stop!" He grunts as Sirius seethes. "Consider you weren't so nice to your brother earlier, now certainly isn't the time!" He snaps.

Sirius shakes his head. "Count your fucking days, Prongs-"

"Enough!" James shouts. "You don't care about Regulus, you never have! Look, I'm sorry I fooled around with him and I'm sorry I have to label it that because if I tell you how I actually feel about him, it'll get us nowhere!"

Peter opens and closes his mouth for a few short seconds before, "H-how do you feel about him then?" It is hesitant and James doesn't want to reply.

There is a long silence before James sighs deeply, putting his head in his hands and closing his eyes. "He's wonderful. He's so bloody brilliant, Padfoot. He's clever and funny and he's got this little laugh. It's soft and-"

Lily clears her throat. "But you ignore him, you both ignore one another because maybe you're both embarrassed but you proved today that you are embarrassed to be seen with him," She retorts sternly. "He's a kid, James. Think of how frightened he is, he didn't know what to do or who to talk to and still, he came to you because you were the person who made him feel safe enough to do that," She presses gently.

James purses his lips. "Merlin, I'm the worse," He moans.

"Yes, you are," Lily replies. She sighs. "Look, I'm sorry I yelled, I don't even particularly enjoy talking to any of you but the sight of seeing that poor boy in tears because he was so afraid and alone broke my heart,"

"Do you know how much Regulus hates crying? He used to always cry when we were kids, mum used to hound him over it. So one day, he just stopped crying whenever anything happened at home," Sirius deadpans. He glares at James. "But we made him cry. Do you know how shitty we are?" He sighs. "God, I'm the worse big brother in the history of older siblings!"

Lily chuckles softly. "I think Tuney could give you a run for that title," She straightens herself up, running a hand through her fiery hair. "I think you owe Regulus a massive apology. He's just a boy, James. He doesn't deserve to be hidden and sneaked out of beds. He especially doesn't deserve to be alone and pregnant and nowhere to go,"

James nods firmly, lifting his head from his hands. His hazel eyes are glassy and red rimmed and anybody with eyes could tell that he's on the verge of tears. "Shit, I fucked up. I fucked up so bad," He murmurs, rubbing furiously at his eyes. "God, I'm gonna have a baby," He whispers. He looks up at Lily. "Do you think he hates me?" He asks softly.

Lily shakes her head. "No," She says firmly. "But I do think you need to fix this before he can hate you,"

Just a little snippet of what happened when Lily told the boys off!

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