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James' entire world had crashed. He had cried like a little boy again within his father's strong arms the night his mother had passed away. Fleamont, equally distressed, had simply held his son; as though James were nine and had fallen from his broom, scrapping his knee on his way down.

Regulus, although his mother was very much alive, could empathize. James had lost his mother, the woman who gave birth to him, the woman who gave him the entire world, loved him with every inch of her golden heart.

They were both motherless, Walburga had thrown both of her sons to the wolves and Euphemia had surrendered to cancer, an incurable kind that stole her long chestnut hair and her tanned skin; leaving her pale and wearing a wig Fleamont had bought for her.

The baby nestled within Regulus' ever growing belly was grandmother-less.

Regulus had been four months pregnant Euphemia had passed away. He was almost reaching his due date and James still wept nightly.

Especially when he thought his husband was already asleep, their baby ensured Regulus was not asleep.

The sound was heart wrenching. James often tried to cover his mouth, bury his face within his pillow, anything to prevent waking his very pregnant husband.

Because that's the way James is.

He would rather sob quietly than wake Regulus.

But enough was enough and Regulus can't take it anymore. So he chooses tonight to roll over and face a tearful James, displaying his very much awareness of his indiscreet tears.

Regulus reaches out to cup James' face. James looks up to his with tear filled eyes, shaking his head. James opens his mouth and croaks, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, love," His voice is hoarse and it shatters Regulus' heart.

Pulling James' shaking body close to his body, a bump in between them, Regulus shushes him softly; cradling James in his arms.

"You're okay, you're okay," Regulus soothes. "It's alright, I'm here and I love you. I love you so, so much, James. It's all going to be okay,"

James shudders. "I-I didn't want to wake you, I'm so sorry, I know you n-need your sleep, your due a-any day now, but I just can't stop," He heaves shakily. "I c-can't stop crying!" He sobs.

"James, lovey, you didn't wake me. Your little baby in my belly did, love," Regulus presses soft kisses to James' head. "It's okay to cry, cry all you like," He whispers. "I'd rather you cry than close yourself off,"

James nods wearily. "It's been so long since she simply just held m-me," James whispers quietly. "I miss her, I miss her so much." He chokes out.

"I know, I know," Regulus mumbles back softly. "I know you miss her, James. She was a fantastic mum, she loved you so much, baby," He reminds. "You were her entire bloody world, you know that, right?"

James swallows. "I want my mummy back, R-Reg. I-I want my mummy to get to meet my baby, I wanted her to get to see me be somebody's d-dad." His words are cut off by another sob.

"She's never going to be far from your heart, Jamie. That's what happens when somebody you loved very much passes on; they stay in your heart and they never ever leave it," Regulus rubs James' back. "She's always going to be with you, no matter what. Because you loved her and she loved you, so she's always going to be apart of you and who you are,"

James nods as he looks up to his husband, tears falling down his usually tanned face. "I love y-you,"

"I love you so much, James,"

James presses a hand to his husband's belly. He applies soft kisses to it, peppering his lips against Regulus' bump. "I love the little one too, I love you b-both so much. I-I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have you two,"

Regulus smiles softly. "Baby loves their daddy," He tells James. "I bet they can't wait to meet you, love."

Regulus goes into labor the next morning and James fears his sobbing had caused extra stress on his heavily pregnant husband.

Regulus had assured him that was certainly not the case. Like James had said, he was due any day at this stage.

Their daughter arrives with a perfectly functioning pair of lungs, her screeching is loud but James doesn't think he's ever heard a more beautiful sound.

Right now, their newborn girl is sleeping soundly on James bare chest while he hums a soft tune his beloved mother used to sing to him as a child, when Regulus clears his throat.

"James, love, I was thinking about her name," Regulus starts.

James glances over to his sleepy husband with a raised eyebrow. "Oh? You've decided on one, have you, Reg?" He asks softly.

Regulus chuckles. "Well, I wanted it to be somejhthing important to the both of us, y'know? I've been thinking about it for a long time and I think it just might be the perfect name,"

"Mmh," James hums, glancing down at his sleeping girl before looking back to Regulus. "What is it?" He inquires. "What do you want to name her?"

Regulus pauses for a long time. The next words to leave his mouth make James feel fuzzy inside. "Euphemia," Regulus breaths. "I-I think her name should be Euphemia," He pauses. "After the kindest mother I've ever known. If your mum didn't get to meet our daughter, I think I'd like it if she had a part of your mum and her Nan with her,"

James can't stop the small sob that leaves him. He reaches over to press a loving, tender kiss to Regulus' lips. "For me? You want to name her Euphemia for me?" He asks softly through his tears.

Regulus nods, feeling tears of his own prickling at his eyes. He kisses James once more before, "Yes, because I love you, silly boy,"

"I love you more,"

"Oh? Is that so?" Regulus teases with a tearful laugh.

"I do. I love you enough to decide that we have to give little Effie a middle name such as Vega,"

It is Regulus' turn to blink. "A galaxy name like m-me?"


Regulus smiles tearfully. "Euphemia Vega Potter."

James smiles down at his little girl. "Sounds perfect perfect to me,  love," He grins. He turns to Regulus. "You should get some rest, babe, before my dad comes in and we have to make him weep over his granddaughter,"

Regulus smiles as he nuzzles into his duvets, deciding he loves all of the Potter's a lot more than he was trained and indoctrinated by the Blacks to.

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