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NOTE: mentions of miscarriage

Regulus isn't progressing.

Previously, estimatedly four hours ago, he had been making small, agonized noises to establish his pain. But now, now he is barely mumbling soft words to James, struggling to even let a miniscule groan escape past his lips.

"James?" Nina says, dragging James from his thoughts as he squeezes Regulus' hand. Regulus' eyes are closed due to his agony, his hair stuck to his forehead in stripes as a result of his sweating. Nina clears her throat as James looks to her. "Could I talk to you outside for a moment, hon?"

James nods, looking down at Regulus' pale face. He sweeps his hand over his husband's forehead, standing before leaning down to kiss his cheek. "I'll be right back, love," He utters. "I won't be a minute,"

"H-hurts," Regulus manages barely.

James strokes his forehead once more. "I know, I know it does, darling. I'll be right back, okay?"


James steps outside with a heavy heart and a sinking feeling weighing him down like that of am anchor. "He's...he's in a lot of pain, is...there has to be something that you can do for him, right?"

Nina shakes her head sadly, wearing a sympathetic expression. She exhales before, "James, I need you to listen to me, alright?" She starts. "What I'm about to say isn't going to be easy so I need you to be very patient,"

James' sinking feeling only worsens as the healer continues. "Regulus has been in labor for over seven hours with little to no dilation. He's growing tired and is in a lot of pain, this is additionally putting your child in a state of stress. I think an emergency section is necessary right now in order to prevent anything happening,"

Nina pauses before looking at him, her eyes weary. "But, should something happen, I'm going to need you to make a decision for me,"


A decision.

James shakes his head. "," He says firmly. "No, I...I won't do that," He argues. He feels horrible as his immediate reaction is to beg the healer to save his husband first. He feels selfish.

Nina sighs. "Honey, listen to me. I'm going to do my very, very best to ensure that nothing happens to either your husband or you child. But I need to know which one I will have to focus on if I am only able to focus on one at the end of this,"

James feels the air escape his lungs. He can't breath. This can't be happening. "I...I-" He cuts himself off, unable to form a sentence.

"Love, I can give you ten minutes to think about this. But I need an answer because I'm afraid that I can't promise both Regulus and the baby will survive and it may come down to having to save one of them," Like a true professional, Nina speaks comfortingly, but sternly. She glances towards the waiting room. "I'm going to go prepare for the surgery, I can't wait any longer for Regulus to progress. Why don't you go sit down and think, just keep your head clear and make the decision you know that Regulus would want you to make for him,"

Nina directs James towards the waiting room where Peter is sitting. Peter looks up at him. James feels so sick. He sits next to Peter, shaking his head. "I...Wormtail, I have to decide between Reg and the baby and I...I don't know what to do," James breaks.

Peter's eyes widen drastically and he immediately jumps to comfort his friend. "Prongs, it' won't come to that. Alright? This...this is just a simple precaution," He says gently. "They'll be okay. Reg is going to be alright, the baby is going to be alright,"

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