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"Esme, don't burn yourself on the candles, baby girl," Regulus gently hauls his three year old away from the flaming cake. "Daddy has to blow them out," Regulus explains softly.

"Cause its daddy's birthday?"

Birthday comes out sounding a lot more like 'burf' day but Regulus doesn't mind. Regulus hums with a nod. "He better do it soon, before uncle Padfoot does it for him,"

"Oi, oi. I'll be blowing them out in honor of Moony's birthday," Sirius smirks, tickling his niece's cheek. "His was a few weeks ago,"

Remus rolls his eyes. "And I already got my cake, so it's Prongs' turn now,"

"Daddy's getting old isn't, isn't he, Es?" Peter jokes softly and Esme nods.

"Old," Esme repeats, almost knowingly. There is no possible way a three year old could possibly tell the different between James yesterday and James now, on his twenty second birthday, but she likes when her uncle Wormtail makes jokes.

Marlene chuckles, watching the candles as the flame dances stop of them. Mary and Dorcas had ensured there was exactly twenty two red candles sitting on the cake. "Well, you best hurry up before there's wax and frosting topping that cake,"

James laughs softly as he gathers Esme into his arms. "Come on then, Prongslet, we'll blow 'em out together, mmh?" He smiles, kissing the top of his daughters head, her crown of dark, messy hair. Much like his own.

Her little eyes seem to sparkle at this and Esme cheers. James smirks. "Alright, on the count of three, baby girl,"

Esme giggles, already filling her chubby little cheeks with air, ready to blow her little toddler germs all over the cake. Sirius seemingly has already taken this into consideration and was grimacing before his little niece can even invest the cake with her blowing.

"One," Lily starts softly, her smile bright and cheery. "Two...." Esme turns to her with a small giddy laugh and Lily sticks her tongue out at her with a grin. "Three!"

James blows out his candles as his friends cheer. He smiles as he leans down to press a wet kiss to his husband's cheek, their daughter squashed between them with a squeal as her father kisses her mother's cheek above her.

"My favourite birthday present, eh, you and the little Prongslet," James smiles. He'd called Esme his present for every birthday since his nineteenth, his daughter having arrived a month before his nineteenth birthday on February twenty seventh.

Regulus grins shyly before whispering cheekily, "You'll get your other present later, tosser. Not in front of our friends, it's too special," He teases and James gently brushes their lips together.

"Oh, m'darling, I should hope not," James grins, his eyes twinkling. "I certainly can't have my way with you in front of all of our mates,"

"Love you, James,"

"Love you too, Reg,"

"Oi, stop flirting and cut the stupid cake, Potter," Remus smirks as he hands James a knife as Esme reaches for the frosting, Regulus and James working fast to stop her smearing the iced letters that read; HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRONGS in bright, bold, shimmering gold frosting.

"So..." James gently rolls Regulus over so that the younger is sitting atop of him in their bed, his thighs either side of James' bare chest, with James' firm hands placed on his waist, holding him in place.

"How about that special present, eh, love? What way do you fancy?" James breaks out in a flirtatious smile. "How do you want me, angel?"

Regulus chuckles. He hums, before, "I quite fancy you repainting that guest bedroom actually,"

James frowns. "And why would I do that? Esme is perfectly fine in her bedroom as it is now, what's the rush to do up another bedroom, babes?"

Regulus can't help but gaze down at James, his beautiful, twenty two year old James. His clueless James. A small smile plays on his lips. "Well, where else is the new baby going to sleep? I don't think Es would like to share,"

Regulus watches as all of the clogs seem to turn in James' brain before he gasps. "The new baby?" He repeats softly, his hands already roaming underneath Regulus' nightshirt, already aching to feel his motherly body.

"The new baby," Regulus confirms with a nod. He can already see James' eyes growing damp. So he adds, "Eight weeks. I found out yesterday morning. I wanted to say it until today, I-I hope you don't mind, sweetheart,"

James tugs Regulus closer to him in his gentle fashioned way of tugging Regulus. "Oh, honey, no of course not," He whispers wetly. "Of course I don't mind," He reiterates. "You're pregnant, all over again, baby,"

Regulus nods. "Happy birthday, James." He utters gently as James ensure that he kisses every single inch of his husband's body.

Very short and sweet! Happy birthday James! Hope you all enjoyed!

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