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"You guys should do, like, a massive gender reveal, y'know, with streamers, and balloons, and-"

"No," Regulus cuts his brother off instantly, shaking his head curtly. "Absolutely not,"

Sirius shrugs. "You're not the one carrying this baby, so you get absolutely no say in this,"

"Last time I checked, you also weren't carrying this baby, Sirius," Regulus muses slightly. He glances to James, who grins a little, gently placing a hand against the swell of his bump, as though to emphasis that it is he who is carrying this baby.

Marlene snorts. "Don't be so boring!" She laughs. "You guys should do a massive gender reveal, it'll be fun," She adds.

"Besides, this is the first baby of the second generation, they deserve a big, massive, in your face, gender reveal," Dorcas pipes up.

James rolls his eyes. He shakes his head, clearing his throat before, "Um, no, no," He pauses. "We'd just like to find out on our own, y'know? It'll be nice and special and intimate," He swallows. "It's our first, so I think it'd be nicer if Reg and I found out together in a more peaceful manner,"

"Not to quote Marls, but don't be so boring," Lily chimes in, rolling her jade eyes as she scoffs slightly.

James shrugs. "We can just text you guys the gender, it doesn't have to be a show," He purses his lips.

Regulus nods, setting his jaw as he rests a hand on his husband's shoulder. They'd talked about this. They didn't want to have a gender reveal. They wanted something nice and sweet and personal. Regulus quite frankly wanted to tear up over his child's gender privately and not in front of a group of people he has only recently come to tolerate.

They don't require an audience.

Sirius sighs. "You two are so boring-"

Once more, Regulus interrupts his older brother, his annoyance increasing, his temper and patience growing wearily thin. "We've already said that we don't want to have a huge fucking party about it, so just leave it won't you," He grits.

In times of frustration, Regulus reverts into his role of being icy and crude. He knows that both he and James do not want to have a public reveal, hell, if James wanted a party; Regulus would throw him a party, despite what he wants himself.

But Regulus won't have his husband's requests denied, he won't allow Sirius to harp on about this. Regulus has no issues with becoming cold and borderline mean if it means James doesn't have to. Regulus would rather their friends think that he is snappy and moody.

Sirius arches an eyebrow, folding his arms over his chest. "It's just very antisocial, though, isn't it?" He challenges. Regulus has heard the word before, antisocial. He knows Sirius is taunting him, targeting the word specifically at him.

Regulus purses his lips tightly. "It's very not any of your fucking business," He snaps slightly. He feels James' shoulder stiffen a little beneath his palm before James' hand is coming to rest upon Regulus'. "This is our child and we'll do what we want, not everything has to concern you,"

Siirus smirks, seemingly satisfied that he had gotten Regulus to rise. "It's excluding us,"

"Just because you've been in every other aspect of James' life doesn't mean you're owed anything here," Regulus glares. "So just drop it, I'm not arguing about this,"

"Maybe you're being so sulky because you haven't been in every other aspect of James' life, this is like your claim to fame," Sirius snorts.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now