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Regulus rests a hand on his belly as he curls up in their bed, miserable and aching all over. "James!" He calls. "Would you bring me a hot water bottle, please, love? My tummy hurts,"

James retorts immediately. "Course, Reg, be up in a second, honey" He replies from downstairs.

Regulus simply nods, furrowing deeper into the duvets. James enters the room seconds later, pulls back the covers and places the warm bottle against Regulus' bare skin. James presses a kiss to his forehead.

"Bit better?" James asks.

Regulus nods softly, sinking into James' embrace once the older man is also nestled into the bed with him. He sighs. "It's like a cramping feeling,"

James nods, burying his head in the nook of Regulus' neck, breathing in his sweet, comforting smell. "My poor angel," He hums softly, kissing Regulus'' collarbone.

Regulus rolls his eyes, tiredly as he rolls either into James' arms, groaning softly as he stretches his back to get comfortable. "I feel so full, I'm so stuffed up," He rubs a hand along his large belly. He has a month until he's supposed to be due and he doesn't think he can possibly expand anymore.

"Awh, love. You've got a tummy ache," James murmurs gently.

Regulus shakes his head, rocking his hips slightly to dissolve the growing ache. "I'm not a little kid. I don't have a tummy ache," He tuts.

James chuckles softly. "Don't be so daft. Adults get belly aches too," He shakes his head. He let's his hands roam Regulus' achingly bloated belly. He presses lightly, much to Regulus' dislike as he grits a moan. "Sorry, love," James apologies softly. "C'mere, show me where it hurts, come on little mama,"

Rolling his eyes, Regulus removes the duvets from concealing his belly. He pats the underside of his lower abdomen. "Here, J," He wriggles under James' soft touch. "Baby's sitting really low and heavy," He groans as James gently places kisses all along his naked, exposed skin.

"Shush, shush," James says softly. "Just relax. You're due in the next few weeks, could just be built up gas either, you're really bloated," He gently pets Regulus' belly.

Regulus shakes his head. "Piss off," He hisses. "I'm not gassy!"

"Maybe not then," James teases with a grin. "Nothing a good old fashioned belly rub can't cure, though," He let's his hands fall down to Regulus' swelled belly and gently puts pressure around the lower half.

Regulus winches slightly but James shushes him. "Shush, love, I know it mightn't feel that nice but it'll feel better in a second," He soothes softly.

Regulus nods and closes his eyes, exhaling through his nose as he feels James' strong palms work themselves into the swollen skin of his belly. He leans further into James' touch and hums softly.

"Love you, James," He murmurs drowsily.

"Love you too, Reg,"

Regulus rests a hand above his belly, sitting atop the curve. "Baby's taking up way too much space. All of my organs are squashed." He muses.

James chuckles. "Baby'll be out soon, Reggie. You've just got a month or so left, could be any day now either," He mumbles quietly, paying close attention to the way his fingers tamper against Regulus' body. "Then we'll be parents,"

Regulus hums softly. "Fancy that? You and I, parents," He gives James a small grin, opening his eyes.

James gazes into his bright grey eyes before, "Wouldn't want to do it with anyone else, m'love,"

Regulus' grin widens. "Gosh, you're such a sap," He laughs quietly. "Don't ever change, idiot," Regulus mushes.

"You're a right little tosser, you know that right?"

Regulus laughs. His laugh is one of the most beautiful, sweetest, sounds James has ever heard. "Yeah, but you're the one rubbing my sore tummy so I guess that would make you more of a tosser, wanker," He teases as he raises his head up to peck James' lips.

James kisses back softly. "Course I am. Your little bump feeling any better, love?"

Nodding, Regulus let's James rub small circles on his exposed skin. "It doesn't feel as tight anymore," He replies. "Thank you,"

"No problem, sweetheart,"

They lay together for a few more minutes with James' fingers gently padding across Regulus' belly before Regulus whispers while staring up at his ceiling. "How'd I get so bloody lucky, eh?"

There is a brief moment of silence, before;

"I ask myself that every morning I wake up and see you that perfect little belly laying beside me,"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now