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For the lovely RegulusLifeJacket 💝

When Regulus had first witnessed the scene before him, he had felt rage; an entire abundance of firey, blind rage.

But now?

Now, when he sees James laugh so charismatically, so charmingly, so freely, so fittingly, with Lily Evans; now Regulus just feels an entire abundance of hurt and betrayal and lack of security all at once. He feels his heart shatter and crumble and dilapidate at the sight as his belly churns and he begins to feel so horribly sick. He's been feeling sick a lot lately, but for different reasons now.

James catches his eye, however, and steps away from the red haired girl, his eyebrows shooting upwards. "Regulus-" He starts but Regulus simply shakes his head and glances away, Lily already opening her mouth.

"That's Sirius' little brother, isn't it? They look quite alike, don't you think so, James?" Lily says, innocently and unknowingly, because how on earth is she supposed to know that James and Regulus had been privately carrying on together for months in hidden corridors and empty dorm rooms after strategically ensuring that they would be empty?

Hearing that his boyfriend and his best friend, brothers or not, look alike is the least of James' concern right now; he decides he can be disgusted by it later on, once Regulus stops making that sullen little face he seems to be making as of now.

"Regulus, Regulus, wait," James calls, ignoring Lily entirely. He turns to face her, adjusting the frames of his glasses as he does so. "Evans, I've got to go....er, better go check on him. He and Sirius have been on the rocks lately, he's.....y'know, he's....uh, anyways, I'll see you later,"

Lily nods, tucking a strand of dark red hair behind her ear as she smiles. "Okay then, see you later," She grins. If James weren't so worried, weren't in a secret relationship for Merlin's sake, he would've seen this as a win; Evans wants to see him later. Usually she didn't even want to see him presently.

But James had stopped caring when Evans wanted to see him or not, it had all stopped once Regulus came around.

The torch James carried for Lily Evans had been cinched the second Regulus Black had begun shining within James' universe.

James strolls away, quick paced, as he follows Regulus up a flight of stairs. "Hey, hey now. Hang on a minute, will you?" James calls out as he makes a grab for the younger teenager's wrist, successfully catching it.

Regulus grumbles, attempting to snatch his limb away but failing. "Get away from me. Go snog Evans, s'what you've been wanting to do since you hit puberty, isn't it?" Regulus snaps harshly.

James glares at him slightly, his brown eyes narrowing. "What?!"

"Oh, fuck off, Potter," Regulus rolls his eyes. "Everybody and their great aunt knows that you want to get into Evans' pants. So, go on, I won't stop you," Regulus snorts.

James shakes his head. "You're being a jealous little twat, you know that, right?" He snarks. "Everybody and their great aunt know that I would rather be in your pants, you buggering idiot!"

Regulus chuckles bitterly. "That's not true. Nobody and their dead gran aunt know we're together, you've kept us as some stupid, dirty little secret!"

"You're being so overdramatic!" James yelps.

"You're being underdramatic!" Regulus scowls, a sour expression decorating his delicate features.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now