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The soft bed sheets rustle. Regulus cracks an eye open, the room is barely lit by the illuminating sun as it rises. He stirs slightly, squinting in the dark. It can't be more than five, at least.

Regulus curls up a little more, reaching over to embrace James, tight to his chest. James who he assumes is asleep. "What are you doing? You're moving around too much," Regulus murmurs, his voice heavy with drowsiness.

When James doesn't respond, Regulus realizes just how correct he was to assume James is asleep. James is asleep. However, their son is not asleep. Regulus can feel him kicking beneath his palm as he rests it against James' belly.

Regulus hums happily at this. He smiles, the corners of his lips turning upwards. "Stop it, you're making your mum hectic," He muses. Regulus allows his fingers to gently pad along the bare skin of James' belly, his -Regulus'- loose tshirt had ridden up throughout the night, leaving the sallow skin exposed.

Regulus' fingers trail tenderly along where the soft thumping is originating. "Hey, shush, shush, little one, eh?" He hums quietly. "You'll end up waking mummy," He adds. "Let him sleep, he needs his sleep, don't you think so?"

Their tiny boy moves again and Regulus grins softly, the corners of his lips turning upwards in the slightest. He drags the pads of his fingers across James' abdomen.

"Little prince, mmh?" Regulus utters, his grin broadening itself, stretching out over his features. "We...we can't wait to meet you, y'know? You're going to be oh so loved, so very loved by your mummy and daddy," He murmurs, craning himself downwards in the bed to gently, softly press his cheek into the swell of James' belly, closing his eyes dreamily.

"We've waited for this for so long, y'know, love?" Regulus whispers. "I...I was a little petrified at first, I don't know if I'm exactly the dad type," He trails quietly, in a tender tone. "But if there's one thing I know for sure; it's that your mama is the mum type and that's all I need, eh?"

Regulus feels long fingers intertwine with his dark hair. James.

Regulus opens his eyes, glancing up at James through the dim lighting of their bedroom. "Hello," He greets softly, bashfully.

"Hello," James replies with a raspy voice, a small chuckle escaping past his lips. "Everything alright?" He hums, weaving his fingers through Regulus' soft locks of raven hair.

Regulus nods. "Course," He responds. He slowly shimmies his way back up towards James. James turns around to gaze at him, brown meeting grey somehow in the midst of the darkness. "I didn't wake you, did I, darling?"

James shakes his head, grinning tiredly. He glances down towards his belly, patting it softly. "No, you didn't, silly" He promises. "He might have, though," He grins.

Regulus' hand joins James', resting their now intertwined fingers against James' swollen belly. "Silly boy," He smirks, tucking his head into the nook of James' shoulder, smiling against the warmth of James' skin.

James rolls his eyes. "Like his daddy," He comments, amused, but oh so enticed by this fact.

Regulus smiles broadly. "I told him not to wake you up, y'know," He promises.

James smiles in the darkness, cozying closer to Regulus. He yawns a little, closing his large brown eyes once more. "Mmh," He hums. "Discipline may be something we're going to have to spend a lot of time on,"

"Yeah, if he's anything like his mum,"

Sorry its very short! Just over 500 words! 💗😊

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