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Regulus sighs as he walks through the doors of the small café. He hadn't wanted to have to depend on his brother's friends but since they were so hellbent on including him in on their festivities, he's had to.

Especially when he's struggling on what in Merlin's name he's supposed to get James Potter.

Dorcas had taken to shoving his name into the little hat they had been passing around one night, Regulus had been too tipsy on firewhiskey to even process what he was being indulged in.

Regulus knew he couldn't ask Sirius what to get James for Christmas, whatever Sirius hears of; James inevitably hears of too. Ergo, whatever Remus gets wind of, Sirius will also get wind of; therefore his brother and brother in law have been ruled out.

Somebody Regulus had encountered for knowledge on what exactly James Potter would be delighted to receive Christmas Eve is Peter Pettigrew, who had practically trembled in Regulus' presence and Regulus hated it.

He's improving, he likes to think he is anyways, therapy is working to an extent; sometimes he wishes somebody would remind Peter that he isn't Sirius, and he did not have the support system Sirius has always had.

Regulus doesn't and never has belonged to a group of friends. He had rare acquaintances at school, but never a seriously dependent friendship and certainly not a brave heart friend who'd open his home to him and rescue him from his family.

An obscure piece of information Regulus did manage to swindle from Peter is that James apparently has his eye on somebody and when Regulus had merely smirked and raised his eyebrow, Peter had shaken his head and denied the obvious; it is no longer Lily Evans.

Dorcas, although she is kind to him and includes him, Regulus can't work up the courage to ask her or Marlene. Marlene and Dorcas are almost too helpful, Regulus swallows the theory that they simply just pity him; he's Sirius' little brother and he's in the middle of a very boring, very long, healing process; it is sometimes hard not to be pitied.

Besides, Regulus fears he would end up producing a present that would indicate he knew James better than he actually did with the aid of Dorcas and Marlene.

Mary intimidates Regulus just a little bit, he won't ever admit that, though; so she had been pushed out of the equation.

And so, he takes a seat opposite Lily Evans, her red hair tied atop her head in a ponytail and a faint blush on her face. "Hi," She greets. It's awkward but yet soft and Regulus almost sighs.

Lily had been his only option, she seems reliable and sweet at heart, so Regulus had owled her in a fit of desperation. He knows it must seem peculiar to Lily, who seems to be nervously fidgeting with her small bronze bangles bracelet.

Regulus nods before clearing his throat. "Um, hiya," He greets softly. "Er, this is probably really strange for you and I get that, you probably have something else you'd rather be doing-"

Regulus has somewhat trained himself to apologize for what he perceives as 'bothering' people, especially people like Lily, who are so filled with love. But his therapist has been giving him unassigned 'homework'. This weeks 'homework' being working on asking for help from others and making a new friend.

Regulus figures he's killing two birds with one stupid stone.

Lily gasps softly, interrupting him. "Regulus!" She says sternly. "The only other thing I'm doing today is helping my sister pick out wallpaper for her new house," She wrinkles her nose. "It's either lemon yellow or custard yellow," She groans softly.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now