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Regulus is curled on James' bed, his heart beating with nerves as he waits for James to come back from his studying session, when the door pulls itself open and his elder brother walks in in a huff. Regulus stares at him for a few seconds before he slowly realizes that Sirius' normally giddy eyes are glassy and red rimmed while his cheeks are stained wet.

Sirius pauses in the doorway after slamming the door behind himself. "Regulus-" He cuts himself off. His voice is raw and hoarse and tear filled and Regulus doesn't like it in the slightest. "I-I didn't know you'd be here. Prongs is in the l-library," He stammers. "I thought you'd be there with him, s-studying and what n-not,"

"No I'm uh here," Regulus says slowly, taking in Sirius' blotchy, usually handsome face.

Sirius just nods.

"Sirius...." Regulus trails. "Why are you.....crying?" He asks, forgetting the original news that brought him to the Gryffindor dormitory.

His question only seems to send his older brother into even more tears. Sirius' shoulders shake as he trembles with tears. Not knowing what else to do, Regulus pulls him down onto James' crumpled bed with him, tucking his brother's head close to him and cradling it as best as he can.

It's awkward and a little stiff, but Sirius eases into Regulus' touch as he sobs even harder. Regulus can feel him shake and quiver within his arms. He shushes him softly.

"Hey, hey, stop. You're not the cryer, I am," He soothes as he strokes Sirius' longer hair. Sirius laughs wetly. It's a mixture between a bark of joy and a sob of dispair. "Now, c'mon, tell me what's got you so upset, eh? See who I need to hex,"

"I don't need my little brother to hex people for me-"

"Just tell me what's got you producing more tears than later in the bloody great lake," Regulus interjects. Sirius shudders and the words that leave his mouth leave Regulus' mouth hanging open.

"He broke up with me! I think!" Sirius cries.

"What?" Regulus gapes. "Remus? Your Remus? Remus bloody Lupin? Remus Lupin, the one who literally fawns over you every second of every day. The guy who-"

"Yes! Regulus, yes!" Sirius cries harder. "T-that boy," He whispers chokedly. "M-my boy, well he isn't m-mine anymore, I suppose," He whimpers. "I think we broke u-up,"

Regulus strokes his hand down Sirius' tear streaked face. "Sirius, what do you mean you think he broke up with you? I thought you guys were inseparable-"

Sirius shakes his head, tears dripping from his chin. "Well, I t-think he broke up with me, I'm uh not really sure on the whole s-situation right now," He shivers. "We er, we were fighting,"

Regulus furrows his brow. "A fight? You two had a fight?"

Sirius nods firmly. "We yelled at each other. A lot. We said a lot of awful things that you just can't come back from a-and now I think I've lose h-him,"

"What did he say that's leading you to think you're broken up? Did Remus directly say he wanted to break up?" Regulus threads carefully.

Shaking his head, Sirius sighs. "Well, you know about his er furry problem?" Regulus nods slowly. So Sirius proceeds. "And we just got heated so fast, it escalated so quickly and then he said I should just leave it be and stop pestering him about taking his transformation potion but I just want to help,"

"Then he started off with how I see him like a project, like I'm trying to fix him! I don't want to fix him! I just want to l-love him!" Sirius cries.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now