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"Now, be nice," Regulus utters as the couple was through St. Mungo's and up the staircase towards the maternity ward "that's all I'm asking, honey,"

"Oh? And do I get a reward for being a good boy?" James smirks, winking at his boyfriend.

"Yeah, you can do diaper duty tonight, if you'd like," Regulus chuckles. They had left Adelina and baby Freddie with James' parents for the afternoon, allowing Nana Effie her time with her little grandchildren.

James snorts as they round the corner, a bouquet of fresh spring flowers in Regulus' hand. "Right, right, I'll behave, love, promise!"

"That's my good boy," Regulus hums with a slight smirk. "Here, just wait in the waiting room for a few minutes, babe. I don't want to overcrowd them, you know? It's been a really long night, Ev said Barty had been in labour for sixteen hours. I'll come back and get you in a few minutes. Just sit and behave,"

"Oi, I know how to behave, least you forget, Regulus Black," James scoffs with a small laugh. "It's you who can't behave, my darling,"

"Fuck off," Regulus mutters as he presses a kiss to James' lips before disappearing down the hallway, leaving James standing idly in the waiting room.

Evan Rossier enters the room, his head popping around the corner. "Oh." He says. "Potter,"

"Hi, Rossier," James forces a smile. Evan steps into the waiting room, cautiously, a small bundle of light pink blankets held in his arms. "Reg is just gone down to see Barty. I think he assumed you'd be with him," He glances at the wriggling blankets, a tiny face peeking out, a few tuffs of blond hair too. "So, this is the little one, then, eh?" His face softens.

Evan nods. It appears he can not fight his smile any longer. "This is Scarlett Rossier," He smiles softly, looking down at his daughter.

James smiles, peering down at the baby. "Congratulations," He says gently. He smiles at the baby. There is truly nothing like the peace that the presence of a newborn baby can bring. "Hi there, little Scarlett," He muses softly. "Hey, hi love,"

"I suppose this is your uncle Potter," Evan laughs quietly.

James looks up to the blond with a kind smile. "Absolutely," He utters. "Hey, Rossier?"


"You look good with a baby in your arms, suits you,"

Evan smiles weakly. "Are you sure? I...I'm doing it right, aren't I? Holding her properly? I doing okay?" His voice is quiet, perhaps even slightly embarrassed, an unsure tone that surprises James because Evan Rossier is usually very sure when he speaks.

James grins, reaching towards Evan, for the first time in his life not in a hesitant manner. He gently adjusts little Scarlett, taking a bit of the blanket away from her small, scrunched up face. "You're doing great, Rossier," He promises firmly. He means it. "She looks really cosy with her daddy, y'know? You're doing it all right," He smiles again.

"Reg really trained you in, didn't he?" Evan offers with a small chuckle.

"Well, I trained him too. You think it was easy to get Marlene to not snap back every time Reg snarked at her?" James laughs. "Reg and I settling down together kind of threw us all for a loop, sometimes it's easier to just jump through the loop. S'why I want to apologize to you and Barty, for, y'know, not coming around sooner,"

Evan is quiet for a short few seconds and the only sounds belong to the tiny little girl in his arms. He chuckles dryly. "Potter, I don't care if you come around to us or not. As long as you make Reg happy and you look after him and the little ones," He smiles a little. "That's all that matters, mate. And for the record," He pauses. "I think we owe you an apology too,"

James laughs. "Well, we can just call it even and all go for a drink sometime,"

"Hey, you played nice, didn't you?" Regulus asks with a soft smirk as they walk out of the hospital, hand in hand.

James shrugs. "Well, I think we both did,"

"You must've been extremely behaved, you know,"

"Oh? How so?" James has hopes of his mother and father hanging onto their little ones for the evening, perhaps this is when he will receive his behavioral award. He smirks wildly. "I like the sound of this, hon,"

Regulus rolls his eyes, scoffing. "Is sex all you think about?"

"Sex with you? Oh, always, dear,"

Regulus snorts, throwing his head back as he laughs. James thinks that he looks beautiful. "Well, if you must know, you're reward for the evening is a new goddaughter, I even got that award too,"

James' breath hitches in his throat. "Oh...oh, Reg, really? Are they sure? I...I don't want them to regret this-"

"With how lovely you are? They'll never regret it, sweetie,"

A short continuation! Just over 900 words!

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