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A baby girl and a baby boy.

James had almost vomited when Pomfrey had told them and he is sure he almost caught a sight of Regulus' grey eyes rolling back in his head, face paling. James is certain the younger teenager had just about caught himself on the verge of some kind of fainting episode.

They were having twins.

They sit in the library in silence, and also a great deal of shock.

"Regulus..." James tries, observing the stormy, blank expression that Regulus wears as he pretends to flicker through the pages of his novel, but James is watching him all too much. He can see how Regulus' eyes seem to look past the pages, staring dully. "Are you okay? I know this is a lot to take in-"

"James. I'm....I'm sixteen years old," Regulus says quietly. "I...I'm not sure I can even do this," He mumbles. "One baby was going to be hard enough, but two? I...I don't know about this,"

James blinks. " don't mean that. You're just in shock, you're not being serious," He says firmly. " can't possibly mean that," He almost protests.

Regulus shakes his head. "How are we going to do this? How, James, how?" He utters frantically, his eyes moving rapidly. "James, this is-"

"Happening," James cuts in. "This is happening, whether you're ready for it or not, whether I'm ready for it or not," He sighs. James rubs at his temples as he inhales sharply. "I know that it's going to be hard, but you've already bloody signed up for one baby, Regulus Black, and I'll be damned if you up and leave us now," James grits.

"We...we don't even fucking like each other, James!" Regulus breaths. "Tell me, tell me honestly, that you and I would be sitting here studying together if I didn't get you pregnant. Look at me and tell me that we would both still be sitting where we are now if you didn't have a bloody baby bump-"

"We wouldn't. You know it, I know it. Everyone knows that," James shakes his head. "I'm not even going to lie about it,"

Regulus sighs, folding his arms over his chest. He swallows. "Exactly," He says. "I've done my best, James, I really, really have. I've tolerated Sirius, I've...I've tried so hard but I just don't know how we're going to do this," Regulus seems to sink downwards into the chair and then James sees it for what it truly is.

Regulus isn't opting or threatening to be some neglectful, deadbeat father. He's scared. Regulus Black is scared.

James slowly bites his lip. He hesitantly reaches out to take Regulus' hand in his. "I...I know this is scary, okay? But we can lean on each other. One more baby won't kill you, you're going to be okay, Regulus, just take a deep breath and let it sink in. You''re just in a lot of shock, and that's okay,"

Regulus frowns. He softly strokes his finger over James' knuckles, sighing heavily once more. "I'm...I'm sorry, yeah?" He exhales. "I'm just overwhelmed, I think. I should be the one comforting you-"

"Oi, shut up," James offers him a small smile. "We're going to be okay. So is Ophelia. Our biggest problem now is picking a boys name," James says lightly, chuckling. "Let's just....let's take it one day at a time,"

James can feel every single ache and pain and he hates it. Everything is too loud, too noisy. He groans, squeezing his eyes shut. He can feel sweat dripping down his face, his forehead feels disgusting as his hair sticks to it. Pressing his face into the no longer comfortable or comforting pillow, he let's out a soft, low moan. "Hurts," James whispers through clenched teeth. 

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now