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"Evening, Lupin-Blacks," James calls out as he steps through the floo.

"Oi, Prongs," Sirius responds. James enters the kitchen to find his friends seated, two mugs of tea in front of them. "How're you? How's all at the ministry?"

James shrugs. "Tiresome, dull, soul sucking, boring, shall I go on?"

Remus chuckles at this, shaking his head. "No, no, that's quite enough," He muses, sipping his tea. "What brings you into the neighborhood?" He smirks.

"Just stopping by to see my favorite boys, of course,"

"Don't stop by unannounced in future, we could've been fucking on the table," Sirius snorts, but James doesn't doubt his seriousness. It is a plausible situation, James is baffled that Remus and Sirius haven't come to him to announce a pregnancy by now.

James laughs. "Don't be so crude," He begins to make himself tea, making himself at home within his friend's kitchen.

The floo makes a soft whizzing sound and another voice enters through it. "Sirius? I need a favor,"

Three heads turn towards the floo and James feels his eyes widen a little bit. In all his glory and chiseled features, stands Sirius' younger brother with a tired, gloomy look upon his face and more noticeably, a baby in his arms.

Regulus' silvery eyes seem to broaden at the sight of James. "Oh, I didn't know you had company-"

"What's the favor?" Sirius blurts, probably unsure of how to navigate his younger brother in the presence of his best friend. "What can I do for you, Reggie?" He pipes softly.

Regulus shakes his head, swallowing. "Um, could...could I ask you to take Belle for the evening, um, if you don't mind, that is," He stammers a little. "I know I'm not exactly actively playing right now, but there's a team meeting and I have to be there," He doesn't so much as offer James a glance but James can not stop staring at the tiny baby in his arms. 

She's blinking rapidly. Belle, Regulus had addressed her as Belle.

Sirius nods. "Yeah, sure," He beckons for Regulus to pass him the baby. He smirks, glancing at Remus. "It'll be good practice for us, my love,"

Remus smirks in response. "Don't get cheeky, you," He warns softly, amused.

Regulus rolls his grey eyes. "Thanks," He pauses, finally looking at James. "James, how've you been? Haven't seen you in a bit, mate,"

James nods curtly. "I've been good," He replies. He nods towards the baby. Belle, he reminds himself. "You've...you've has your hands full," He arches an eyebrow.

Regulus laughs softly, stealing a glance at the baby. "She is a handful," He smiles gently, shaking his head. "But she's worth it," He adds quietly. "I've got to go, I'm already late. Thanks again, Sirius," He says, straightening himself up.

"No problem," Sirius says. He peers down at Belle. "We're going to have so much fun and annoy uncle Moony so much, aren't we, my littlest apircot?" He muses softly, stroking the baby's small face with his knuckles.

Regulus snorts. "Leave Remus alone," He smirks. "I'll see you in a bit. Thanks again,"

"Enjoy your meeting,"

"I'll try," Regulus adds as he steps back through the floo.

James stares at Belle, her hair jet black and curling at the ends a little, like Regulus'. "I didn't know that Regulus had a baby," He deadpans.

Remus nods, humming. "Yeah, he does. She's about, what?" He turns to Sirius. "Two? Three months old now?"

Sirius nods silently, not peeling his eyes away from his niece. "She's the best little girl, aren't you, honey?" Sirius coos. He looks up to face the other men. "She's great. Reg says she a quiet enough baby, hardly ever keeps him up. She's a good girl. My best little one, right, Belle?"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now