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Sirius glares sideways at his best friend, who appears to be cradling his younger brother. He hates this, whatever this is. He has always hated it, for that matter. He hates how James gently brushes his long fingers through Regulus' shiny dark hair. Sirius hates every bit of it.

It disgust him, how in love they seem to be. How could anyone ever love his snotty younger brother, with his dull grey eyes and now? Now his belly full of James' baby?

It all makes Sirius feel a bit squeamish, a bit lost, perhaps even confused and concerned.

Remus has told him many, many, times to try to get used to it. After all, Regulus doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, not if James has anything to say about it.

Sirius sits broodingly as he look over to his best friend. Regulus is curled against James' side, one of James' strong arms wrapped around him; pulling him that bit closer. Sirius wants to scoff. They couldn't possibly be any closer!

James' hand softly, discreetly strokes the curve of Regulus' bump, humming gently to his lover. They appear to be in a world of their very own, the only residents of said world must be James, Regulus and of course the baby they're going to bring into this world. Sirius hates this.

The thought of this, whatever this may be, overwhelmes Sirius to a far greater extent than it should. 

"Do....do you think he'll ever not hate me?" Regulus' voice is quiet within the darkness of their bedroom, it is much later now. They had arrived back from Sirius and Remus' and Regulus has felt uneasy ever since. This time he can not blame it on morning sickness.

Sirius ruins everything. He's even ruining Regulus' time to read in bed. Instead, Regulus has to wonder whether his brooding brother will resent him for all of eternity.

James rolls over, sleepily. His eyes are still half lidded. He reaches out to rest his palm atop Regulus' bump. "Who, lovey?" James inquires, yawning. The pad of his thumb gently swipes across Regulus' belly, his pajamas top has slightly ridden up; given James access to his exposed swollen skin.

"You know who...." Regulus trails. "Sirius," He eventually states in a confession.

James shakes his head, sitting up a little bit. "Don't be silly. Padfoot doesn't hate you. You're his baby brother. He just needs to take some to to get used to us-"

"To get used to us what?" Regulus begs to know. "To us hanging out a little? To us being together? To us having a baby together? H-he's never agreed with any of it and it isn't fair anymore!" Regulus can't help but pout. He sighs wearily. "He isn't even angry anymore. He's just....sulking! He won't even speak to me! He never has, though, has me?"

James doesn't like to see his Regulus so flustered. He scoots closer, reaching down to press a soft kiss to Regulus' cheek. "Don't pout, hon, you'll get wrinkles," He attempts to make Regulus smile, even just a little.

When his attempt fails miserably, James sighs. He gently tilts Regulus' chin upwards so that the pair are facing one another. "I love you, alright? No matter what Sirius says or doesn't say. He's my best friend, Reggie, but you're the one I want to spend whatever's left with. It's you, okay?" James playfully tickles Regulus' abdomen, but his tone remains serious and firm. "You and our littlest love,"

Regulus dabs at his eyes. He isn't crying yet, but his voice of L's shakey as he replies. "Love you too, J," He croaks.

James' face softens. "I can talk to him if you'd like, y'know-"

"No," Regulus interjects firmly. "Don't. It's not worth it,"

"I know that you might think there's no talking to him sometimes, but I'm sure it won't always be like this," James reassures.

Regulus wants to remind James that it's been three entire years and Sirius still hasn't come around to the idea it. But instead he simply nods in a tired fashion. He looks down to his belly before resting his palm over James'. "I really do love you, you know that right?"

James nods with a smitten smile, peppering Regulus' crown of dark hair with kisses. "Of course I do, hon, of course I do,"

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Sirius snaps. "We have zero common ground, what do you expect me to do with him?" He grits.

James shakes his head, sighing. "I expect you to at least recognize he's your brother! And if, for some reason, you can't do that; all I ask is that you acknowledge that I'm in love with him," He declares.

Sirius gapes. He closes his mouth, shaking his head. "How?" He simply inquires after a long period of silence.

"How?" James repeats, but his tone isn't accusing, nor weighed down with anger. "How? Because, if you happened to pay attention, we're having a baby, Sirius. And that isn't even the best part; because before that, we were simply just having coffee in a local cafe, getting to know each other. Or we were having sex, or having long discussions about the stars and the planets even if I didn't quite get it!" James' voice is shrill but yet soft.

He isn't trying to condem Sirius. He simply yearns for Sirius to see just how spectacular Regulus really is.

"Because even when I didn't get it, Regulus didn't make me feel inferior. He never has. He gives and he gives and now he's giving up his body to give us a child. Don't you see how wonderful that is?" James squints, tilting his head slightly.

Sirius shrugs. Before he can speak again, James begins once more. "I've given you an abundance of time to get used to all of this, Sirius. I've given you three years, Pads. I need you to understand that I'm happy, we're happy. Your brother makes me the happiest I've ever been and now I get to watch him become a mother. I don't think I could be any happier,"

"You're really in love with him,"

Sirius doesn't say it as a question. It is a statement.

James nods. "I'm entirely smitten by Regulus Black,"

Sirius nods curtly in reply. He sighs deeply, exhaling sharply, before, "Thanks for pouring your heart out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have errands to run. The full moon is coming up and I have to get things sorted for Rems. Cool chat though, Prongs," He says swiftly, nostrils flared.

"Well, I told you not to speak to him. What did you bloody expect?" Regulus huffs as soon as James informs him.

James sighs. "I possibly expected him to at least care about me,"

Regulus rolls his eyes. He smirks as he sits down next to James on the sofa, James gently tugs him closer. "See, you would think that would upset me, but I expect this from Sirius. Stop having expectations, he's not going to come 'round," Regulus drawls.

"I know. I just wish he would,"

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, give me your hand,"

James squints in confusion at Regulus, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "Hhm?" He hums but he extends his hand to his boyfriend regardless. He trusts Regulus, perhaps a little too much.

Regulus grins softly as he guides James' hand to his lower abdomen. "Wait....just....just wait..." He trails.

"What are you doing-oh!" James blurts in alarm as a sft thudding from Regulus' belly catches him off guard. James turns to Regulus with bright eyes. "They're kicking! Oh, Reg! They're kicking!" James practically sings with pride as he instantly commects the array of dots.

Regulus nods with a wide smile. He laces their fingers together stop his belly. He feels James softly squeeze his hand. They're going to be okay. Even if the whole world is against them, not that Sirius is the whole world, they'll always have each other; maybe even a few littlier versions of them too.

This is the fluff that was promised! Hope you enjoyed! Over 1300 words! 💕💕💕

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