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James hadn't seen him for two weeks, for the first time since moving it with James; Sirius hadn't spent Christmas with the Potters' and instead told James he wanted to spend some time with Andromeda and her family this holiday season. James had been fine with that, until Sirius had entered the dormitory after Christmas break with a stormy expression, his silver eyes narrowed and cold. He looks murderous.

"Hey, Pads. Have a nice Christmas? We missed you," James responds, smiling lazily, lounged on his dormitory bed, reading some form of comic his grand aunt had gifted him. "How was Andromeda's? Mum sent some desserts that were left over for you,"

Sirius shakes his head, swallowing as he clenches his jaw tightly. He clicks his tongue before, "How long have you been fucking my little brother?"

All the air in James lungs vanishes. He sits up, choking slightly. "What?" He barks.

"How long have you been fucking Reg?" Sirius demands. "I asked you how long you've been doing my little brother, James,"

James gasps for air, shaking his head. "I...I haven't been," He answers. It comes out sounding unsure and James knows now that he is in for it.

Remus steps into the room, Peter following behind, an abundance of bags between them. Peter appears bewildered. "Um, not so jolly, lads, are you?" He hesitates.

"Wormy, shut up, before I have to kill one more maurader than I was planning to," Sirius seethes. "How long, James? Fuck, just tell me how long?"

James stand, holding his hands up in defense. He sighs softly. "Maybe a month or two?" He offers meekly.

"Maybe?" Sirius swears. "God, maybe? You don't even know?"

Remus clears his throat. "What's going on?" He asks quietly.

Sirius let's out a shaky breath. "James has been fooling around with my baby brother," He speaks clearer than James has ever heard him.

The room enters a sullen silence, tension weighing like a large anchor over the entire room. It is so silent that James can practically hear Remus swallow before he says, "Prongs did what?"

Before anyone else can even speak, Sirius crashes one of their bunks across the room, anger burning through him. The chest of drawers almost splits in two. "Oh for fuck sake!" Sirius curses.

"Padfoot, let's be civil, please," Peter says shakily.

"No, God, no!" Sirius shouts. "How can I be civil? How can anyone be civil? He's...he slept with my little brother!" He shouts, staggering over his words. "I...I wanna tear the bloody room apart, Wormy." He whispers, his breathing unsteady.

"He...Regulus slept with me too, Sirius!" James defends. "It was consensually happening!" He chirps.

At this, Sirius picks up the nearest book and slams it against a wall. "I don't care, shit, I don't care," He yells. "You slept with my brother! Continually! little brother, James, he's my baby brother,"

"You don't fuckin' like him!" James shouts back, nearing Sirius. "I don't care if you don't like Regulus, that doesn't mean that I can't like him!"

"Which do you think this is, Prongs?" Sirius swears at him. "Do you think I'm being protective? Or do you think that I just don't like you sleeping with people I 'don't' like?!"

"Okay, look, this is nuts. Everyone just shut the fuck up," Remus curses, shaking his head with a sigh.

"I think you hate Regulus so you fucking hate the idea of me sleeping with him!" James yells loudly.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now