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Note: non magie au, extremely angsty !!! includes miscarriage discussion.

Regulus Black loathes James Potter's ugly, bright red hightops and how they are kicked off by their owner as he lounges on his sofa.

Regulus scoffs loudly. "You're being a fucking prick," He mumbles, biting his tongue in annoyance.

James rolls his eyes from his perchment on his sofa. "Yeah, what are you being then?" He grits. "Oh! I know!" He mocks. "An emotional, pregnant twit!"

"Who made me emotional and pregnant?!"

"Who made you a fucking twit?!" James retorts, nostrils flaring and hazel eyes alive with a bright anger that feels ever present, ever persistent.

Regulus grumbles. "Fuck off,"

Regulus hates this. He hates James' apartment, he hates James' role as his brother's best friend, but most of all; he loathes James' position as the father of his baby.

It had all begun roughly seven months ago, a late drunken fuck between two considerable 'enemies' that had resulted in Regulus' belly growing heavy with a child. Their baby.

Sirius' whiney, moody and brooding kid brother and James, his golden hearted best friend had singlehandedly and incidentally created an offspring.

And Regulus loathes it. He hates James, he hates his life, he hates that he's nineteen and almost very pregnant. He hates that James has his life together, has a job, has money; while he's left Regulus pregnant and unable to focus on his education.

James, however, loathes the situation for separate reasons. Holding a not so private vendetta against Regulus for breaking he and Lily up. Lily Evans, however, does not hold a single ill thought against Regulus. Regulus assumes perhaps it's because he didn't fucking break up their shiny happy relationship and that maybe, just maybe, James will someday realize that Lily moving to Los Angeles was the final kicker of it all.

Lily, who happily broke James' poor, achy, golden heart by venturing on with her life, perhaps had realized that childhood sweethearts don't necessarily become twenty year old sweethearts.

Something Regulus thinks James would benefit from realizing.

"You fuck off," James snaps, folding his arms over his chest. "Why are you still bloody here, eh? Just drop my fucking ultrasound copy off and be on your merry way!" He scowls. He doesn't mean it though, Sirius would have his head if he had heard the way he had just spoken to Regulus.

Good thing Sirius, the bloody mediator, isn't around to mediate.

Regulus shakes his head. "Arsehole,"


"Dickhead," Regulus shoots back, rolling his eyes, glaring; sharp grey eyes narrowing as he clenches his jaw. He scoffs once more. "Such a fucking pity you didn't knock her up instead," He adds.

The decision to bring up Lily is impulsive but Regulus is shooting to kill right now; his ego slightly bruised, faintly damaged, at James' dismissal of him.

James tuts. "Of course you'd bring Lily up! Of course!" He snarls.

"Honestly, it's a wonder you hadn't already done so," Regulus smirks coldly. "A true rarity that we had gone.....mmh.....four?" Regulus mockingly squints, as if deep in thought.,"Minutes without a mention of her?"

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