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"Did anybody study for the ruddy Transfiguration exam? I'm absolutely bolloxed!" Mary complains, leaning against the wall. She glances at Marlene and Dorcas who are pressed together and whispering sweet nothings to one another as the seconds tick by. "I certainly know these two didn't!"

Lily laughs, she opens her mouth to reply but someone catches her eye. Her emerald eyes widen and she taps James on the shoulder. "James?"

"Mmh, what is it, Evans? I'm trying to learn off that bloody rhyme you tried to teach me," James hums without looking up from his parchment as he jots down various notes.

"James," Lily pokes him. "It's Regulus, he doesn't look very alright,"

This manages to grab James' attention as he whips his head up instantly to see Regulus approaching him with a red tipped nose and a slightly tear stained face, his eyes glassy and glossed over with tears. "Reg!" James calls.

By now the other six seventh years haven turned their attention towards Sirius' younger brother. Once before them Regulus simply crumpled into James' outstretched arms. James holds him close, feeling Regulus' tears already dampening his robes.

"J-just needed a h-hug," Regulus cries but it is so much clearer to James that that is not all Regulus had wanted.

"Hey, hey, hey," James whispers softly, trying to soothe his weeping boyfriend. "What's happened, eh, love? Baby's alright, isn't he?" James asks in a low voice, keeping his tone quiet as to not startle Regulus anymore than he already appears to be. "What's wrong? What's got you so worked up, sweetheart?"

Regulus just cries harder and James can feel him shake within his arms. There is a crumpled and torn up letter in his hand along with what look to be several howlers.

"Regulus, what are all these?" James gently raises Regulus' seemingly limp hand towards him, taking his scrawny, delicate wrists in his hands.

Regulus shakes his head. "I-I don't known what to d-do with them! T-they just keep coming, i-it's been w-weeks," Regulus whispers through tears. "I just want it t-to stop," He breaths, his breath hitching in his throat and James watches in horror as Regulus starts to tremble and hyperventilate.

Marlene, putting her sweet filled conversation with Dorcas on hold for now, gently reaches forward to wrap Regulus into a tight hug. He briefly wriggles against her grip but she's solid and eventually he's just reduced to shaking.

"Shush, calm down and just breath. Breath in and out, can you do that for me, Regulus? In and out, nice and easy. Slow your breathing, think of your baby," Marlene whispers softly, she gently runs a comforting hand up and down his back in a soothing motion. "Just breath, baby needs you to breath, he needs you to relax, Regulus,"

Regulus ends up hiccuping in her embrace as Mary strokes a few strands of his hair from his eyes. "That's a boy, there we go, nice and easy," Marlene whispers.

"Marls is gonna make such a brilliant healer," Lily says softly as she reaches for Regulus' hand and squeezes it tightly.

James turns his attention to a quivering Regulus then to Sirius. "Padfoot...." He trails with concern as he hands him the bundle of torn letters and silenced howlers. "Your parents are a bloody menace," He whispers as he watches both Sirius and Remus' eyes trail over the words.

Remus' mouth falls open. "T-they wrote all these to you?" He inquires, sparing a glance at Regulus.

James moves to comfort Regulus, bundling the younger boy into his arms. "C'mere to me my darling boy," He whispers softly, lowly so the other's don't hear. "Shush. Come on now, just breath. You're alright. You're safe, I've got you. I love you, I love you, I love you. You're safe," James repeats a string of comforting whispers.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now