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"James, this is dumb,"

"Shush!" James hisses. "I don't want her to hear you!"

Rolling his eyes, Regulus sighs. "Well, it isn't like I particularly need a pregnancy pillow. I've got you, haven't I?" Or do I? he thinks sullenly.

James sighs. "She's just trying to help!" He ushers the pillow back into Regulus' arms. "Stop being such a brat," He teases. "Lily just wants to help you. I've told her how your backs been at you during the night. She just wants to help make you more comfortable!"

"Whatever, James," Regulus swallows. "I just don't see how it is any of her business what happens my back when I go asleep," He grumbles, folding his arms around the pillow. It is actually quite comfortable, he'll admit silently to himself.

James sighs. "Are we really going to have this argument when all of our friends are in our living room?" He scratches a hand through his hair.

Regulus scoffs. "I don't need a pregnancy pillow....." He sulks.

"Well, tough. Lily got you a pregnancy pillow and you are going to lump it and like it," James scowls.

Regulus frowns. "No. I don't want a bloody pregnancy pillow. I dont need one, I didn't ask for one and I did not ask for your little childhood crush's help either!" He protests.

James pauses for a very long time, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "Regulus...." He starts softly with sympathetic eyes. "Look, love, there's no need to be jealous over my past feelings for Lily.........there's no present feelings for her and I want you to know that,"

"Does Lily know that?"

James shakes his head, sighing loudly. "Reg, please. Stop don't so jealous-"

"I-I'm not jealous!" Regulus snaps. "I'm insecure and raging with hormones and seeing you talk to her all evening as if she's the person in the room makes me feel so.......s-so silly,"

James steps closer to Regulus, taking the large pillow from his hands. He gently takes both of Regulus' much daintier hands in his and squeezes them softly.

"Angel, I was talking about you to her all evening, you and the baby. That's all I can talk about to anyone, love," James gently adjusts his hands to Regulus' cheeks, dropping his hold on his hands. He leans in for a soft kiss. "I love you, idiot. You have nothing to worry about between Lils and I," James declares.

Regulus stares up into his mahogany eyes for a few seconds before, "But you liked her for so long and then I just came along and I-"

"Have spent the last four years with me and are now carrying around and growing my baby," James cuts in with a firm voice as he let's his hands fall to Regulus' belly. "And I love you so much that sometimes I can't be annoyed with you for thinking that I love Lily,"

Regulus sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm being silly,"

James kisses his forehead softly. "Yeah, you are," He grins. "I'm sorry I thought you were jealous when all you needed was a bit of reassurance. You and this baby mean the world to me, Reg. Lily and I are just friends, in fact; we laugh at how smitten I used to be for her. I was smitten for her but I'm stupidly in love with you,"

Regulus leans into James' touch with a soft sigh. "I don't mean to be so insecure. I'm all jacked up with hormones right now that it's all just multiplied,"

James ruffles his hair. "I know, love, I know," He murmurs in response. "Now," He smiles gently. "Pick up that pregnancy pillow,"

"Okay..." Regulus exhales. "Maybe the pregnancy pillow isn't that dumb," He agrees slightly. James laughs.

"It'll make your back feel better," James adds.

Regulus smiles a softened smile. "Maybe it'll make your baby stop kicking me at all hours!" 

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now