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"Mamabear, what in Merlin's name are you doing out of bed? You know that the midwife wants you to rest for a little while before baby arrives," James tuts as he catches Regulus trailing his way down the staircase with light steps.

Regulus huffs, a hand coming to his small belly; quite small for eight months, at least. "I know, I know. But I'm bored in bed, I don't like being delicate," He wrinkles his nose slightly. "I miss my independence!" He protests.

James steps onto the staircase, facing Regulus. He sighs with a shake of his head. "Sweetheart, I know you're bored but it has to be done. The healers all think this is quite high risk as it is and I want you to rest as much as you can,"

He hadn't wanted to say the words.

But it is the truth. Regulus is high risk. This pregnancy has been completely high risk.

Sometimes Regulus reminds himself to be careful what he wishes for. He had spent months glooming over the idea of their baby and now said baby is using up all of his iron levels and every single bit of energy he manages to retain.

Ever since James had found him sprawled out on the kitchen tiles, entirely unconscious, two months into his pregnancy, Regulus has been under complete supervision and monitoring. James has insisted it be that way, even going as far as to give him some buzzing muggle device Lily had wanted him to have in case of an emergency.

He doesn't know what it does but he knows James has his own duplicate of it and that Lily has called it a 'cell phone' on more than one occasion.

Regulus is going insane, bed rest is driving him nuts. But he knows it's all in the name of his baby girl. It is all for her. She needs him and his iron levels, every single sap of it she can get.

Regulus nods. "If I go back upstairs will you bring me a snack?" He asks with hopeful eyes. James smiles softly, reaching to gently squeeze his cheek.

"Yes, I'll bring you a snack, honey,"

Regulus grins and retreats to his mountain of pillows and blankets that James had tucked him into hours before. Moments later, James drops him up a yoghurt with some fresh berries and granola scattered through it as well as a mug of steaming earl grey tea.

"Thank you," Regulus thanks as soon as he sips from his mug, the hot liquid feels nice and soothing. It relaxes him greatly and seems to take away the horrific idea of never being allowed or permitted to leave his bed again.

James kisses his cheek, laying a hand to his bump. "You're going to rest and you're going to keep as much energy as your teensy little body possibly can," He murmurs gently into Regulus' ear. He laces their fingers together over the younger man's belly. "Cause you're going to be somebody's mummy, love, just like you've always wanted," James whispers.

Regulus feels the corners of his mouth turn upwards into a large smile. "I'm a mummy bird with a nest now," He beams tiredly. "We did it, you and me, we did it," Regulus pauses to look into James' hazel eyes. "We made a baby," He says, his voice etched with a softness that makes James' heart swell.

James nods. "We did, m'love, we really did," He pauses for a second before, "Moony and Padfoot might call over later on for a catch up. If you're a good boy and have yourself a nice little nap, I'll let you relocate to the living room," James teases with a wink.

Regulus rolls his eyes. "If you say that my bloody throne of pillows have to come too, I'll beat you with one of them," He declares as he dips his spoon into his yoghurt, popping a mouthful of the creamy pink substance into his mouth.

James chuckles. "You can bring one pillow. That'll make me happy, love, that you're comfortable,"

Regulus groans. "But then I'll have to drag them all back up later!" He whines.

"I'll drag your array of throw pillows back up here if it means you'll let me force you to have one supporting your back on our living room sofa," James says with a small laugh as he pinches his cheek softly and teasingly. "I'll wake you when Pads and Moony get here," He leaves Regulus to enjoy his treat and retreats back down the stairs.

Once finished his quite delicious snack, Regulus snuggles down into the covers, laying a hand under his cheek and a hand on his belly; his daughter satisfied with this evenings delicacy.

He awakes an hour later to a soft tapping on his nose. Regulus blinks open his eyes to see Dean giggling softly at him. Dean turned one the month prior and has been babbling words ever since, much to Sirius' pridefulness.


Regulus smiles softly as he reaches for Dean and gently pulls him into the bed, plopping the small boy down next to him. "I'm awake, I'm awake," Regulus muses.

Dean grins toothily and Regulus can only see a miniature Remus Lupin in his bed with him. Regulus eventually scoops him up into secure arms and slwolu trudges down the stairs with him. He pops his head into the living room.

"You told me you'd wake me when they got here, you didn't send Dean.....did you?" Regulus inquires as he curls himself down into the sofa next to James, Dean in tow.

James ruffles his hair. "I was going to, but you just looked so peaceful and dreamy, I didn't want to disturb you," He chuckles.

"Regulus is a walking ball of stress! He is never peaceful," Sirius chimes with a smirk. "Pregnancy should've mellowed you but instead you've been driving yourself up the walls,"

Regulus rolls his eyes. "I'm sure you were the one driving Remus up the walls," He retorts as Dean cuddles closer to his, chubby toddler hands plastered across Regulus' belly.

Remus chuckles with a smirk. He turns to look at his son who's all but enthralled by his uncle's swollen belly. "Your little cousins in there, love," Remus tells him with a soft hum.

"You can play with her when she's old enough to play, Deanie," Sirius grins playfully at his son. "I'm sure she'll love it,"

Regulus laughs with a sigh. "Just what the world needed, another pair of marauders,"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now