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Regulus sighs. He is face to face with an intruder.

Well, it isn't really an intruder. James was here all the time, but only when Sirius and Remus also here.

"Oh, hello there. Padfoot and Moony not in?" James half greets,seemingly taken back by Regulus' presence in his best friend's house.

Regulus simply shakes his head, hauling his dressing gown closer to his shoulders. He doesn't like the idea of being alone and vulnerable with James. Especially since James and he had had less than four conversations alone together since Regulus had moved into Remus and Sirius' home three months ago.

"No, they're at some coffee shop, y'know, doing what good husbands do, I guess. They'll be back soon," Regulus hums. "You're uh, welcome to wait if you'd like? Um, I could make you some tea?" He offers hesitantly. He isn't sure if he should be offering. He isn't exactly the home owner. That title belomgs to Remus and Sirius.

James nods with a shy smile. "Uh, yeah. Cool, that'd be cool," Regulus merely nods in reply as he stands to make them something to drink. James takes a seat at the kitchen table. "So, how's everything? Baby alright?" He cringes as he inquires. He should not have instigated this conversation.

Regulus shrugs as he stirs their tea. "Baby's fine,"

"And you?" James asks softly.

Regulus sighs as he thrusts a mug of steaming tea into James' hands. "I'm alright, James," He murmurs. "Merlin, m'not glass, for fuck sake. You, Remus and Sirius can stop treating me like I'll break," He rolls his eyes.

James smirks slightly. "Okay, okay," He grins. He takes a generous sip from his mug. "How far along are you now? Four, five months?"

"Just over five months," Regulus answers. Three months since he'd last seen his ex when he had discovered his pregnancy two months too late. A gentle hand falls to his belly and he let's it rest there for a moment, his long fingers padding against the swollen skin. James watches him do so.

"Baby will be out pretty soon, I'll need to start apartment shopping. Sirius is still sold on turning the office here into a nursery for me, but I can't do that," Regulus half chuckles. "I can't subject Sirius and Remus to a wailing newborn,"

James grins softly, a friendly grin. "I'm sure they've subjected you to much worse over the past few months," He offers a joke.

Regulus smirks, nodding as he sips his tea. They wait in a mutual silence for Sirius and Remus to return; James' hazel eyes never leaving Regulus hand that seems to idly stroke his belly.

"So, you kept James company for forty minutes while Rems and I were out and nobody yelled?" Sirius smirks as he makes dinner that night.

Regulus rolls his eyes. "I like to think we're more civil than we were two years ago, Sirius," He mocks.

Remus snorts. "A lot more, eh?" He glances to Regulus as the younger man gently cups his belly. "You've got that appointment next week, haven't you?" He inquires. Regulus nods.

"Mmh," Regulus hums. "M'gonna get to plan out my labor and all of that brilliant stuff," Sarcasm drips from his lips. "Personally, I'm excited," He adds.

Sirius laughs, shaking his head. "You're the farthest from excited I've ever seen somebody be,"

Sirius is rather skilled at exaggerating, or so anyone that has ever encountered him believes.

Regulus shrugs. "You make it sound like I hate her," He rolls his eyes once more. The hands resting against the swell of his baby bump should suggest otherwise to Sirius. "I don't hate her," Regulus persists. "I could never hate her, she's fifty percent me, after all; so she shouldn't be too bad. I just hate the way she's only going to have me," Regulus trails. "Fifty percent me isn't so bad but when you out it into perspective that one hundred percent me will be raising her...."

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now