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I REALLY stepped out of my comfort zone for this one and kind of explored kinks and a more explicit style of writing. I've mentioned before that I'm not completely adjusted to writing sex scenes, especially very erotic ones, but I want to try to challenge myself; hence this chapter. Please let me know if you like it! I'm exploring here and if you guys don't think this much sexual content suits my style, please let me know! This is just an experiment of sorts, and simultaneously an idea that has been bouncing around in my mind! 💕 Also, James and Reg are kind of fuck buddies in this, no one knows etc! I also wanted to try to experiment writing jealousy, possession, and I also just wanted to try to explore the whole daddy kink? I don't know. I literally don't know how to feel about this. I am a grown woman writing essentially plotless smut on a usually very wholesome one shot book and that scares me lowkey. I hope it went well for me, I'm kind of nervous to publish this!

Regulus can feel the brown eyes watching him from the staircase. They always do. They just watch. He pretends not to notice. He is not drinking. This time he is acutely aware of them.

"You want me to kiss you?" Regulus smirks lazily to the Ravenclaw girl, whose lap holds his head currently. He looks up at her, blinking grey eyes. "We'll see, love," He muses.

She blushes, her strawberry blonde locks framing her long, oval face. She's pretty, admittedly; big, round pale brown eyes and freckles too. She has dimples, cherry red lips and wide set eyes. "We'll see?" She repeats. "Oh, we'll see," She hums, tracing a finger down his face. "Brave boy, aren't you?"

Regulus smirks boldly before allowing his gaze to linger on James across the room, the older boy's jaw set; a drink in his hand that he raises to meet his lips. His brown eyes don't dare to wander away from Regulus and the girl; whose name Regulus has long forgotten; this is only a game, after all; a cruel game, but a game, nonetheless. However, games have rules, they have consequences, and Regulus is sure that James is going to make him pay relentlessly for this.

This trying, mocking and teasing behaviour.

James is going to make him pay, mercilessly. But perhaps that is just what Regulus would like him to do; pin him down to that mattress, bite and suck at his neck hungrily; maybe to even remind Regulus of James' role in their little shenanigan.

Perhaps Regulus is taunting him for the mere thrill of how possessive he knows that James Potter can be. Still, Regulus Black is no possession and this Ravenclaw girl is awfully pretty.

"The bravest," Regulus lips his licks, humming. He leans upwards, pressing his lips softly against hers. "You're awfully pretty," He drawls. "What's say we get out of here, s'far too crowded, darling," He smirks.

James crosses the room. He is practically gripping the glass that holds his alcohol now. "Sirius is looking for you," He snaps pointedly.

Regulus rolls his eyes, a sigh escaping past his lips. He holds a finger up, willing the strawberry blonde girl to wait. "One second, princess," He murmurs to the girl as he sits up, rising his head out of her lap. He looks to James, narrowing his eyes. "Is he? Or is he over there, in a corner, snogging Remus Lupin to death?" He points lazily towards the corner of the room.

"He wants you to go to the bathroom and try to get sick, actually, says you've had too much to drink. You know what you're like when you're drunk; messy, lazy with your hands, you don't really give a fuck do you?" James hisses. James looks towards the girl. "He's a mess when he's had a few, trust me, I'm doing you a favour," He reaches to grasp Regulus' wrist. "He's also sloppy and only cares about his own needs,"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now