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For ReMuSlUpInWh0rE

As James turns the coroner, his friends at his side, his hearts set on heading to Transfiguration, a sight across the hallway makes his jaw set and something within his stomach swirls uneasily.

Severus Snape, by far one of the most insufferable people James has ever come across in his entire seventeen years on this godforsaken earth, is sighted first. His greasy hair swept in his face, books clutched in one hand while the other gestures towards Regulus, with whom he seems to be in conversation with.

Regulus, James' gorgeous, heavily pregnant Regulus. James' beautiful angel, the mother of his child, the poor sixteen year old who managed to end up carrying his boyfriend's child but learned and thought himself to make light of it all. James' Reg, his family.

James feels his nose twitch at the sigh across the hall from him. Remus, who seems to follow his line of sight, snorts. "Oi, what do you think that's about?" He asks breezily.

Sirius and Peter follow their gaze, Sirius' eyebrows furrowing.

"Oh?" Sirius arches an eyebrow. "What are they doing, eh? Reg told me he isn't too fond of Snivillus," He wrinkles his nose. "He should be more careful, he'll get grease on the baby." Sirius deadpans.

In any other context, it would be funny and James would even double over with laughter, but right now; watching his boyfriend chat away to his considerable mortal enemy, causes James' jaw to tighten even more.

Peter shrugs. "Do you think Snape is bothering him?" He inquires, wisely. "Regulus does look rather bothered," Peter supposes.

Upon further inspection, James catches his boyfriend's discreet grimace but it doesn't help the jealousy pooling within the pits of his belly. That's his boyfriend, his very pregnant boyfriend, and James doesn't feel like sharing that with Snape.

James scoffs. He's about to make some sort of shameful comment about the older of the Slytherins but bites his tongue when Snape's hand collides almost gently with Regulus' heavy belly, sliding over the curved surface with so much ease it makes James sick to see it.

James feels anger simmer within him and before Remus can lunge sensibly for him, James has marched over. "Oi, hands off my boyfriend," He swears and tugs Regulus back towards him, just where Regulus should be. "Get your own," He snaps.

"James-" Regulus grits.

Snape raises an eyebrow, amused. "Touched a nerve, did I, Potter?"

"You touched more than a fucking nerve! You're manhandling my boyfriend," James snarls viciously. Regulus wriggles away from him.

"You're being ridiculous!" Regulus hisses. "Don't you dare start a bloody argument over this, James Potter," He says warningly.

James' brown eyes meet Snape's cold ones. "Stay away from my family," James growls before taking Regulus' hand in his and storming them both into the nearest bathroom. Once they're alone, James whirls around to face a red faced Regulus. "He didn't hurt you, did he? God, I swear if he ever even fucking thinks about touching you ever again, I'll have his big greasy head on a platter!" James vents.

Regulus rolls his eyes in annoyance. "You're so fucking possessive lately and I don't like it, y'know," He counters. "Honestly! Get a bloody grip of yourself, you look crazed right now,"

James seethes. "He can't touch your belly like that! That's my baby! He can to make his bloody own if he should like, but he can't touch mine!"

"Our baby!"

"Fine! He can't touch our baby!" James yelps. "He isn't allowed to touch anything belonged to either of us!" James pauses, inhaling sharply through flared nostrails. "He makes me sick and I hate the thought of his hands being where I've peppered little kisses on,"

"My dick?" Regulus can't fight a smirk.

"No you buggering idiot, your belly," James breaks out in a sifter grin. He shakes his head before, "What the hell were you two even talking about, eh? What was so interesting that Snape felt the need to feel up my territory,"

Regulus doesn't want to reply but he feels as though he owes it to James right now. He rests a hand to his rounded baby bump, sighing as he leans against the tiled wall. "Don't....Merlin, don't you dare laugh at me, alright?" He meets James' confused eyes.

James shakes his head. "Well, if it's funny, can I laugh then?"

Regulus rolls his eyes. "I'll think about it," He murmurs

"Right so, tell me?" James gently persuades.

Regulus bites his lip before, "I'm...I'm falling behind in potions," He confesses with a shaky breath, defeated. "I love potions and Slughorn loves me!" Regulus insists, but they both know it requires no convincing. "And....and it kills me to fall behind in his class because of...." He stammers for an answer. He shrugs before, "Well, because of this," Regulus let's both hands fall to hi bump.

James blinks. "You're falling behind because of the baby?" He asks.

"Yes," Regulus nods. "Because I tend to have potions either in the morning or the afternoon. In the morning, I'm usually too sick to attend. In the evenings, I'm far too tired to attend," He sighs. He let's the pads of his thumbs stroke the surface of his belly.

"Reg," James steps closer to him, closing the distance between them. "If you'd told me, I would've-"

"Laughed at me?"

"No!" James replies quickly. "God, lovey, no. Of course I wouldn't have," He brings his hand to cup Regulus' bump, the other resting on the younger boy's face. "You're so clever, Regulus, a baby couldn't stop you from getting top marks even if you had to give bloody birth during a class, you fool," He smiles softly.

Regulus sighs deeply. "I'm already embarrassed enough about it, so I didn't want to go to you. You have your own classes to worry about, you have to focus, James,"

It's truth. This year is more important for James than ever. He has to ace his exams, he has a headstart on their shared future and he has to make it all count.

And Regulus couldn't be more supportive of that. Even if his own grades are suffering at the moment.

"So you asked Snivillus?"

Regulus swallows. "I know...I know you don't like him. I know that, James. But he's the only one who makes good enough notes that I can afford to miss class to, y'know, grow a baby,"

James laughs at this, connecting their lips tenderly. "Shush, it's alright. I'm sorry I got so antsy." He mumbles against Regulus' lips.

"I forgive you, you jealous bastard,"

James grins as he deepens the kiss. "I love you so much, angel,"

Regulus feels his cheeks tint. "I love you more, idiot,"

Every single word is true.

Over 1200 words! Hope you enjoyed!

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