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Regulus had anticipated tears of joy when he finally got to tell James the news the healer had informed him of.

But with a hysterical James pacing in front of his, professing their lack of readiness for this, spluttering that they can't possibly go through with this, Regulus feels something inside of his ribcage crack; he figures it has to be his heart.

"I-I'm nineteen, Reg! I-I can't be somebody's dad, I just can't! I'm sorry-"

"I'm eighteen, how do you think I feel? There's a baby inside of me!" Regulus tries with a tight chest. "But I-I know that we can figure this out, together, James. I promise, it d-doesn't have to be so scary if we just talk it through, please!" Regulus pleads.

He feels his throat close up as he watches James, without so much as glancing in his direction, stagger into the floo. With a heavy heart, Regulus curls himself underneath his favorite knit blanket and attempts to figure out how to use the muggle tv James had insisted he'd love.

And he does love it.

Regulus especially loves getting to sob in front of it while James is God knows where.

Eventually, Regulus determines which buttons mean which and end up turning on a film for himself as he feels his cheeks dampen with hot, shakey tears. He doesn't know when or Even if James is coming home. He wonders tiredly if James is going to at least come back to get his clothes.

Regulus feels even worse, if that is even humanly possible, as he receives a patronous from Peter. It quite simply and curtly reads;

Got him here at Pads and Moonys. He's a little drunk and in hysterics, we'll return him after he's sobered up a bit. I'm sorry. Neither of the three of us think you should see him like this so we'll cater to him for now. Congrats on the baby, it's going to be alright. See you soon.

Regulus stares glumly at the glowing animal before bursting into more tears. He can't seem to stop himself from shaking as he wraps himself even further into the knitted blanket that smells just like James.

He gently tries to slow his breathing. There is a little one nestled inside of him that is counting on him to be calm, for them. So Regulus reminds himself of this. He levels out his breathing by taking deeper breaths; inhaling and exhaling slowly as he places a hand to his flat stomach, his hands sitting underneath his sweater.

"Hi in there," Regulus sniffles. His stomach is pale and still predominantly firm, if not sneakily soft around the edges but he doesn't want to focus on that for now. He sighs heavily before continuing,

"I'm so, so, so sorry, baby," Regulus whispers with a small sob escaping his mouth. "Daddy's just really scared right now, I think," His lip wobbles slightly. "I'm really scared too, but I'll always be here. You're inside of me like a little piece of your daddy and I, we can't be separated anytime soon, eh?" He murmurs softly as he brushes a finger along the soft skin.

Regulus eventually tires himself out, falling asleep with his hands to his belly and drying tears on his face. He's awoken by loud thrashing through the floo and a slight whooshing sound as somebody enters.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now