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James coughs wearily, choking on his own breath as he does so. He attempts in vain to clear his throat but fails miserably. He feels miserable and weak and pathetic. Regulus pops his head around the doorway of their bedroom with a sympathetic look upon his face.

"I've brought you some tea, love. Do you want some toast? Do you think you could manage?" Regulus asks softly.

James shakes his head. "I...sorry, I don't think so, darling," He frowns deeply.

"S'okay, James," Regulus promises. He places the mug of tea on the bedside table before gently smoothing a hand over James' hair and forehead. His forehead is still warm and sweaty. "My poor babe," He hums. "You've still got a fever,"

James swallows. "I'm scared I'll get you and the boys sick too," He admits.

"You might, but we won't mind," Regulus smiles softly, kissing James' cheek. "I'm going to go give the boys a bath, just give me a shout if you need anything in the next twenty minutes, yeah?"

Nodding, James tries to smile. "I'll shout as best as I can," He declares, his tone raspy and scratchy. His throat aches. He sits up to slurp a bit of his tea and watches as his husband leaves the room.

Regulus gathers their sons and begins filling their bath for them. "Jordie? Honey, c'mon, let's get you undressed," He says softly, guiding his three year old into the bathtub.

As soon as Jordan is settled beneath the mountain of suds, Regulus manages to get his wriggling one year old to join his older brother. "Will, love, try not splash me," Regulus chuckles. He watches, entertained, as Will splashes Jordie instead. The three year old makes a sour face at this.

Regulus washes both boy's dark hair before rinsing and washing them one final time. He smiles in amusement as little Will shivers. "Alright, love?"

"Cold," Will manages through chattering teeth. "Mama, cold,"

Regulus laughs. "I know, I know. Why don't we get you both nice and dry? Get you all cosy in your pajamas, huh?"

"I can dress myself," Jordie insists and Regulus is doubtful, so he does have to lend a helping hand eventually.

Once both boys are dressed and snuggled in their onesies, Regulus has an idea. "Jordie, why don't you go grab that card you made for daddy? You know how he isn't feeling well? I think it might cheer him up. Maybe a cuddle too?" He suggests.

Jordie beams. "Good idea, mama," He grins wildly. "Will scribbled on my card, but I think it still looks nice," He tells Regulus.

Regulus is sure that Jordie's own penmanship wasn't all too neat.

Regulus ruffles his eldest son's damp hair. "I'm sure it still looks amazing, baby," He reassures.

Together, the three of them make their way towards the living room to retrieve the card before arriving back into James and Regulus' room.

"Dada!" Will squeals, squirming in Regulus' arms. "Dada!"

"Daddy! We brought you a get well soon card! And we had a bath!" Jordie cheers brightly, smiling toothily.

James looks up and manages to smile. "My three nurses," ahe says gently, his voice still raw and raspy. He sits up against his pillows and Jordie rushes to clamber in next to him. James wraps an arm around his eldest before smiling at his husband. He glances at his son. "Don't you smell lovely, did you have a nice bath, buddy?"

Jordie nods and ushers the card into his father's hands. "Read it!" He urges.

Regulus settles on the edge of the bed, allowing Will free from his grasp to crawl over to his father and brother. As James skims through the card, he gasps. "This is beautiful!" He claims. "Did mama help you draw all these hearts? He's very good at drawing hearts, isn't he?"

Regulus chuckles. "I didn't help at all. They did it all by themselves, they've become such little grown ups in the day you've been sick," He teases.

James chuckles. He bundles little Will into his arms. "And you're responsible for this big yellow dot, aren't you?" He laughs softly.

Will claps and giggles. "Yellow!" He squeaks. Ello.

"Mama said you're sick, you wanna cuddle?" Jordie offers, looking at James, taking in his father's unusually pale face and tired eyes. "You have the flu? Sick?" He asks.

"I'm a little sick, lovey. But I'm sure a cuddle with my three boys will cure me, eh?" James smiles tenderly.

Jordie smiles in return and clings to James, while Will squirms slightly in James' arms. "C'mere, mama," James laughs quietly before Regulus rolls his eyes and makes his way under the covers with his little family.

James envelopes Regulus in his free arm, Jordie tucked beneath his other arm, while Will seems to sit between them all, huddling them all together.

"Better, daddy?" Jordie asks immediately.

"Your cuddles make everything better, hon," James promises.

Over 800 words! Just a short and sweet fluffy one shot to make up for the last two! 💙❤

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