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Regulus is doing his utmost best to keep calm. Panicking is certainly the last thing he wants to do, considering the fact that it won't help his current situation. Nor will it be good for the baby.

But honestly, who takes a pregnant man hostage? That was just a new level of low, even for Death Eaters.

Regulus' train of thought is interrupted by a wand pressing against his temple. The Death Eater of the day, Regulus hasn't even bothered to learn whatever self-given titled the maniac had given himself. It was probably something dramatic and self-aggrandizing and not the least be original, is snarling at Regulus. 

"The location of the Longbottoms. Where the fuck are they?!" The snarling man demands.

"No." Regulus doesn't like being told what to do.

The wand is simply pressed evem harder to his temple, "I don't think you understand your situation." His kidnapper hisses. 

Regulus wonders if he would even be dubbed a kidnapper, he seems much too impatient and too liable to entirely combust to even be level headed enough to kidnap somebody. 

"I'm pretty sure I do. The only reason you haven't killed me is because of the fact I haven't given you the location." Regulus rolls his eyes.

He had discretely sent James a patronous nearly half an hour ago, what the hell was taking him so long? His captor is losing patience, if the throbbing vein is any indicator. 

"And what's stopping me from blowing your brains out right now?" The man sinks down to Regulus' eye-level. 

Of course, that also meant Regulus is subjected to the man's putrid breath, which is not helping his morning sickness. Regulus feels his stomach churn. 

"Maybe I'd be doing the world a service, getting rid of any future Black brats. After all, can't have the Black curse running around, can we?"

The Black 'curse'. Bellatrix has practically famed it, she has coined it; proud of her near insanity. Regulus knows, he and Sirius both know, that it is not hereditary, this seemingly berserk tendency their relatives have to become so filled with rage that they lose their entire sense of humanity. They both know that can not be bred into people, however this gives Regulus cause to pause, his hand resting on the small bump that was forming in his abdomen. 

If the man's breath didn't make Regulus want to lose his lunch, the thought of his child having the same disease as his family all seem to have did.

To say the attacker is not happy to be wearing the contents of Regulus stomach will be an understatement. "You son of a bitch!" He raises his wand, aiming between Regulus' fearless grey eyes.

Of course, that was when several hexes fly, Mary's expensively scented perfume filling the room. 

James instantly stuns the man, Mary wrapping him up with a jelly jinx, he is out cold. James moves to Regulus' side immediately. 

"Oh Merlin, you clever, clever boy!" He whispers softly, caressing his boyfriend's cheek. "You're brilliant, ending me that patronous and everything, God, you're amazing," James kisses his cheek. 

Regulus smiles grimly. "Fucking Death Eaters" He pauses, looking down at his stomach.

James kneels closer to Regulus. "What's wrong, Reg? He didn't hurt you, did he?"

Always the protector, James is. 

"I'm fine, James." Regulus sighs, running a hand through his hair, "It's just something that asshole said."

"What did he say?"

There really is no beating around the bush with James. Regulus rubs his stomach slowly, as if he can feel the tiny life growing inside him, "He mentioned the lack of sanity coursing through  my fucking genes, and I just started thinking how much I don't want our baby to suffer with-"

"Regulus." James' hands are now cradling Regulus' pale face, his hands warm and comforting. "We talked about this. The baby will be fine."

Mary steps away, announcing her departure, perhaps to let the going couple speak alone and privately. 

"You aren't an expert in genetics, James." Regulus snaps, gritting his teeth.

"True." James nods with a shrug. "But I do know that the baby will be half me. So our baby will be half an heir to the Sleek-Eazy's fortune!" He smiles.

Regulus rolls his eyes, "Was that supposed to be comforting? Because the idea of our baby coating their hair in goo before he or she can walk is not comforting. At all."

"Yeah, but they'll be healthy. That's comforting."

It is. But Regulus doesn't want to admit it. He was stubborn that way. "You tosser..." He mutters softly.

James grins. "Your tosser."

"This is true. Someone has to keep you grounded." Regulus smiles softly in return. 

James laughs as he helps his boyfriend to his feet. "Shall I pick up something for dinner?" He offers. "My treat, eh?" 

"Sushi." Regulus nods. 

"You hate fish."

"The baby doesn't,"

"I love you, Regulus."

Regulus can't help it, he is grinning widely. "I love you too, James."

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now