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Sirius and Remus had conspired for awhile now, had thoroughly wondered who would be the first to notice: James himself? Or perhaps Regulus would eventually pick up on the tiny curve forming on his boyfriend's abdomen?

"I give it until the end of the week," Remus murmurs, sipping a steaming mug of hot chocolate as he and his husband watch their friends from across the room. Euphemia is chatting animatedly with Regulus about his latest drawings while Fleamont and James discuss the newest quidditch analytics.

"The end of the week?" Sirius repeats, turning to face his husband. "Moony, the end of the fucking day!" He chuckles.

Remus simply smirks, intertwining their fingers. "I wonder how far along Prongs is?" He ponders. "I mean, he can't be that far gone if he hasn't noticed yet,"

"Well," Sirius considers. "Maybe they know but aren't disclosing that yet?" He offers, perhaps in defense of his friend and brother's obliviousness. He shakes his head. "Oh, who am I fucking kidding, eh? 'Course they don't know yet," He curses himself with a smirk. "He must only be early pregnancy still, James isn't huge or anything. It's just...noticeable," He offers.

Remus laughs a little. "Oh? How can you tell?" He teases.

Sirius elbows his husband with a cheeky grin. "Because he's got that silky kind of look that you had with Arden,"

Remus blushes at this. Just a tiny bit. "Oi, stop it,"

Remus doesn't mind it really, though.

Sirius rolls his eyes. "Hey, behave, you." They had agreed. No more little ones. Arden and Vidia are enough to handle. Arden is two and Vidia just turned one. Two under two is enough to drive anyone wild. Sirius, especially, isn't equipped for anymore. He's made that abundantly clear. He's happy with his Remus and his two little babies.

"We have two. What's one more, m'lovely?" Remus raises an eyebrow. But really, Remus would love to do it again with Sirius.

He'd do it a thousand times more just to see his husband sporting that endearing smile of his as Remus' little belly swells with their babies.

"Hey, so when do we start planning the baby shower?" Mary says one day with a smirk of her lips.

Sirius almost chokes while Remus simply freezes. "The what?!" Sirius gasps.

"Oh, hush, not for you two," Mary rolls her eyes. "For James and Regulus," She says simply before frowning. "Wait, I would've assumed this would be where you two idiots would sell out and confirm my suspicions that there's a new baby Black cooking?" She arches an eyebrow.

Remus shakes his head. "They don't even know, okay!" He laughs slightly. "They're....they're fucking idiots!"

Lily is the next person to suggest the prosperity of another baby. "Are Arden and Vidia excited for their new baby cousin?"

Sirius sighs this time while Remus just grins and bares it. "No new cousin, unconfirmed," Is what the couple have taken to saying ever since Arden had overheard his auntie Mary.

Marlene and Dorcas ask if they know what James and Regulus are hoping for.

Peter wonders briefly if they've just left him out of the loop and Sirius and Remus have to rush to inform him that no, James and Regulus have just left themselves out of the loop.

They're laying in bed one night, Arden was tucked in hours ago and Vidia had just stopped wailing. Remus is tired.

"Maybe we're wrong?" Remus wonders, gazing at the ceiling. "I mean, they'd had figured it out by now," He huffs. "James and Reg are smarter than we're giving them credit for, I'm sure James knows. He has to know anyways,"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now