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Since the death of Walburga and Orion Black, Regulus Black has found himself in the ownership of the family's noble tapestry. Every now and then, he observes it, as if waiting for something to change, something to happen. Perhaps even searching for a niece or a nephew via his elder brother. 

In the beginning, Regulus checked numerous times a day, waiting for some kind of ball to drop. But nothing ever changed. Ergo, he began to check less frequently, leaving the tapestry to sit in his study, crumpled on the floor, hiding it's daunting face from his own view.

That is until now, now that Andromeda has arrived with her whining toddler and even whinier younger sister, Narcissa, and began lecturing him on it. "Do you even know what kind of history is in that? What kind of history it holds, Regulus?!"

"The bad kind?" Regulus shrugs. He winches as Nymphadora squels irritatedly.

Narcissa snorts as she attempts to pick up the tapestry.

Andromeda sighs, rolling her eyes at her younger cousin and her younger cousin. "Regulus, I knew that I should've been the one to take this! Bad family or not, it's an heirloom. Who knows, maybe Dora will want it in years to come, and you're getting it crinkled on the floor of your office!"

Regulus glances at the small girl in his cousin's arms. "Yeah, well, s'all yours, Dora, she can even have it now if she'd like,"

Narcissa obtains am ominous silence as she finally unviels the face of the tapestry. "Mmh, this is strange," She comments dryly.

"What is it, Cissa? Honestly, I've had enough of you two mocking this. Everyone over the age of twenty five in this family are terrible, but that doesn't mean that this doesn't have beautiful silver thread!" Andromeda leans down to take I'm the tapestry. She let's out a small gasp before snapping her head up towards Regulus. "You didn't tell us you were having a baby!" She yelps.

Narcissa cranes her neck to look up to Regulus. "You don't look pregnant, are you pregnant?" She squints.

"What?!" Regulus' eyes widen. "I'm not pregnant," He laughs. "I'm...Merlin, I shouldn't have to say this but I don't actually take up that position in the bedroom,"

Andromeda appears to attempt to begin yet another lecture but Narcissa silences her. "Stop, stop, look! Reg is right, he isn't pregnant....but....but somebody else is," Narcissa states before turning to Regulus. "And it's yours,"

"Oh for fuck sake, you two are crazy. Gimme that," Regulus crouches down to gape at the tapestry. He investigate it, analyzing the tiny footprints that are trailing from his own name, just like how the footprints trailing from Andromeda's name lead to Nymphadora's name, the footprints lead to no name, yet.

"What the fuck," Regulus whispers.

"Stop curisng in front of my two year old!" Andromeda mumbles as she runs her fingers over the loose pieces of shining silver thread. "This...this baby mustn't be born yet, either that or they're unnamed," She theorizes.

"Who wouldn't name their baby?" Narcissa mutters. She sighs before turning to face Regulus. "We need a list of whoever you've slept with in the last nine months, I'm sorry but it's the only way,"

"Woah, woah, woah-" Regulus starts.

"Reg, you....don't you want to know if you have a kid? Don't you want to be absolutely sure?" Narcissa questions.

Regulus sighs. "Well, I don't exactly suppose you guys see me as a dark horse anyways, so you won't be surprised to hear that I've only slept with one person in the last year," 

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now