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Sirius looks up to see James dashing into The Great Hall. "Er, morning? Mate?" He raises an eyebrow at a frantic James.

James shakes his head. "Your brothers on a warpath. Don't annoy him, like at all today," He sighs sitting down between Remus and Peter. "The baby's making him come over all funny,"

Remus rolls his eyes. "It's his hormones, James. They're bound to be changing,"

Peter scoffs. "Exactly, it's what tends to happen during a pregnancy,"

"S'not exactly like his body isn't changing either. What are you feeding him, Prongs? You've made him massive-"

Interrupting Sirius just as James was about to snap him into silenve, Lily pops down opposite them, Mary at her side as usual. "What're we talking about this morning, lads?" She grins, greeting them.

"The baby. Like we talk about every morning," Sirius says.

"And every afternoon," Remus adds.

"The evening too, least us forget!" Peter chimes in.

James rolls his eyes. "You guys are the worst uncles this poor baby's ever going to have," He chuckles. He spots Regulus across the hall and sends him a soft smile.

Regulus smiles back, seemingly having forgotten about the event of that morning; one of their pettiest arguments to date.

It had started due to Regulus' lack of homework presented. He had entirely forgotten to prepare his essay for his charms class, resulting in somewhat of a frustrated strop and James had made the dire mistake of saying 'Y'know, there are worse things happening in the world than tardy homework!'

This had been the director and practical manual instructor for James to realize that Regulus was suffering through mood swings.

James shakes his head, shaking that mornings memories from his mind. "Anyways, like I was saying; don't even think about winding Reg up today. He isn't in the mood,"

"So Reggie's in a bad mood again," Peter smirks.

"Really? What's the tell?" Remus chuckles and James could kill all three of them but they've made even him laugh now and its too late to go back to bring stoney faced and firm.

"Looks irritated-" Sirius adds and Peter cuts him off with a snigger.

"When does he not?"

Mary shakes her head and turns to face James. "Regulus should just take maternity leave. Have the baby, find some governess that I'm sure he and Sirius grew up with to take care of the little ome and be good as ever."

James shrugs. "He doesn't want to take any leave from svhool. He's dead on his feet, but he's too stubborn to not attend."

Lily tilts her head, gazing over at Regulus. "He does look rather run down. You should have a talk with him, James. Get him to cut back on his classwork a bit, yeah?"

James is about to prepare his reply when footsteps approach them and before Regulus can speak, Lily gives James an encouraging nod. So he goes for it, "Hey, love, you up for a chat? Come on, get your scarf on, let's go on a walk, get you some fresh air,"

As soon as they are out in the open air, house scarves wrapped tightly around their necks, Regulus starts to talk. 'What made you fancy a chat? Especially outside? It's freezing, James," 

James sighs. "I think you're pushing yourself too hard with school work. I want you to get some rest. Your head hurts again, doesn't it?"

"It's pounding. I took a potion this morning, but it didn't work. Pomrey doesn't want me to take anything stronger."

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