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Regulus' hands shake as he holds James' letter up to the dim lighting of his bedroom. His steely grey eyes scan the papers, his fingers shakily clutching it as though it is a life source.

My dearest, very dear Reg,

Regulus smiles softly at this, feeling the corners of his lips curl upwards. Great, he's beginning to regain feeling in his face muscles, at least.

Come over for dinner tonight? Mum says she hasn't seen you in a bit and Moony and Pads are coming over with the twins, so we could do with an extra pair of hands. Pete is going to his parents for dinner, so we need your soothing hands with the mini Pads and Moons. Plus, I think it's high time we let my parents know that they're going to be grandparents. Better they find out now. I'm heading for four months now, love. I know what you'll say, that you're nervous, or anxious about it. But trust me, they won't be mad. They love you. Besides, I'm getting quite round, you know, I won't be able to hide it for much longer. That and mum caught me throwing up at the mere smell of her dining room flowers. So, come over for dinner? Please come, I miss you terribly.

Love always,
James and bump.

Regulus adores James' scrawly, child like handwriting. He always has. However, he will never give his boyfriend the satisfaction of him admitting to this. Instead, Regulus would rather spend the rest of his days pleading with James to at least make his signature readable.

It isn't like James hasn't had the opportunity to, not with his prestigious upbringing.

Regulus lays on his bed, half curled up, half unable to move and completely unwilling to even try. He had laid there for most of the evening, urging his body to regain any sort of strength.

It had hurt. It had hurt horribly, and Regulus believes it had ached even more terribly to have had to lay still, breathless and sore, on the floor of the dining room, as his own mother had stood over him, muttering something that he had lost coherency to.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now