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Regulus blinks his eyes open to the sigh of James shoving the bedroom door open with his shoulder, a tray in his hands.

Regulus squints over at him. "Morning," He muses, sitting up slightly. "Er, what have you got there, love?" He asks.

James chuckles in response. "Breakfast in bed for the mum to be, obviously," He states it like Regulus should be well aware of exactly why he is trekking what looks to be their entire breakfast foods into the room.

Regulus watches in curiosity as his husband sets the tray down on the bedside table. James clambers into bed beside him and helps him sit up a little bit more. "I've brought you breakfast in bed,"

"Um, yes, I can see that," Regulus says slightly, his eyebrows knitted together. "But why? What's so special about today?" He inquires.

James blinks at him. "Reg, it's Mother's Day!" He says excitedly. He places his hand to rest atop Regulus' belly. "And you're almost a mama, just two more months, love." He beams.

Regulus stares down at James' hand on his belly before looking back to James through stray locks of dark hair. "Mother's Day?" He splutters softly.

James nods. "Surely you know what Mother's Day is,"

"Uh, yes, I'm familiar with the holiday," Regulus wrinkles his nose. "I just didn't think it was something that people actually celebrated," He replies.

James looks at him with a perplexed expression for a very long time before he speaks again. "Are you being....serious?"

"No, I'm Regulus. Sirius is-"

"Regulus...." James warns with a smirk.

Regulus shakes his head with a sigh. "Well, I suppose you're going to tell me that people celebrate Father's Day too then, aren't you?"

"You hardly thought they were fictional holidays, Reg...." James trails. Regulus nods slowly and James groans. "I always used to wake my mum up with horribly burnt toast and sloppy jam and tea-"

"Cause you're a mummy's boy," Regulus snorts teasingly.

"Precisely!" James agrees. "So you've never stood outside your parents bedroom, trying not to wobble a tray, then?"

Regulus arches an eyebrow. "Do you think either Sirius or I would do that for Walburga?"

"Well, er no, I guess not, no,"

Regulus shrugs. "Well, you best tell him it isn't a load of made up bollox too," He grins softly. He rolls over slightly, ensuring his bump is much more comfortable. "Us poor Black boys, we need the likes of a Potter to educate us on all the fuzzy stuff, eh?"

James smirks as he pats his fingers gently off of Regulus' belly. He shake his head, amused. "Well, enjoy your very first Mother's Day, mama," James presses a wet kiss to Regulus' cheek and the younger of the pair grins.

"Cheers," Regulus smiles. He looks to the piles of toast, the plate of scones shaped like little hearts with every shade of strawberry jam you could ever wish for along with a small pot of tea. Regulus loves strawberry jam, it is his latest craving. He gasps softly, taking in the tray of goodies. "You did this all for me," He melts.

James grins wildly. "Of course. And I'll do it every Mother's Day until our little Prongslet can help me out," He says firmly.

"So..." Regulus starts slowly. "Is Father's Day the exact same?"

James howls with laughter before, "Is Christmas the only holiday you know?" He jokes.

"No, I know about Halloween, don't I?"

"Groundhog Day?"

Regulus looks at him with a pointed look before shaking his head and pausing to sip his tea. "Okay..." He trails. "Now you're just making things up!"


There is a very long pause before,


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