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James feels tears threatening to spill over his face as a hand lands on the side of his barely there belly. "Shit," He whispers. He had felt something, something akin to a flutter, strange, abnormal feeling. This wasn't supposed to be happening, he had twenty one more weeks left. He was hardly nineteen weeks pregnant.

Pregnant by none other than his best friend's sixteen year old brother, who had an ego the size of England itself and a rather sullen attitude problem to match it.

They had fallen into bed together. Somehow. And then, before James knew it, before he could even realize it, he was throwing up every single morning and suddenly Sirius' cologne smelt rancid and putrid to him. Sirius hadn't taken too kindly to that.

James sees Regulus down the hall, the father of his child. Brushing past Peter, James attempts to catch up with the younger boy. "Prongs? What is it?" Sirius questions. "What's the matter?"

James swallows, shaking his head, his brown eyes cloudy. "Just...just need to speak to your brother for a minute," He utters softly.

"Is everything alright with the Prongslet?" Sirius asks.

James doesn't reply with a simple yes or no. Instead, he mumbles quietly; "Your brother has asked you countless times to stop calling the baby that, you know, Pads?"

Sirius rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'll call my godchild whatever I like,"

James does not answer. He trudges begrudgingly towards Regulus, tapping the younger boy on the shoulder. "Can I speak to you? For just a minute, please?"

Regulus turns around to face James but before he can even answer James, Evan Rossier speaks up. "Ooh, Reggie, you're in trouble," He remarks with a sly smirk. "Daddy's about to be in the dog house with mummy," He rolls his eyes at James, sneering slightly.

James is far too preoccupied with the sinking, dreadful fear growing in his belly to even give effort to sneering back at the blond. Usually, he would. Usually, James is able to handle Regulus' rotten friends; well, Barty is alright, James supposes. But Evan? Evan is a problem. Evan is rude and sniding and cheeky and usually James can match it, but today he is feeling far too low to even try.

Regulus must notice the teary mist growing in James' hazel eyes because he sighs, setting his jaw tightly. "Alright, alright then," He mutters. "C'mon then, I don't mind missing transfiguration," He says coolly as he begins walking, nodding for James to follow him.

Once out of earslot, Regulus turns to James, in the comfort of the Slytherin dormitory; where their child had been created. "Right then, what's this all about? What's the matter with you now? Those baby hormones, is it? You're all weepy and sad looking, Potter," He speaks bluntly. "You're not still sick in the mornings, are you?"

James shakes his head, trying to keep his tears at bay. He clenches his eyes shut, breathing deeply in through his nose before uttering, "There's something wrong,"

Regulus raises an eyebrow, taking a seat on the edge of his bed. "Wrong?" He repeats. "With the baby?"

James nods. "Something's wrong with the baby-"

Regulus doesn't even let him finish. "How so? What feels wrong? Are you bleeding? Anything out of sorts, in an obvious sense? Like, y'know, bleeding? Because you look fine to me, Potter," He remarks quietly. "So what are you feeling?"

James brings a shaky hand to his barely grown bump. "I...there's like a movement, but...but I don't know what it is," He whispers, hesitantly. "I've never felt it before. I...I don't know what I did wrong," His voice finally cracks and tears do spill down his face this time, despite James' efforts to stop them.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now