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Racing through the hallway as much as his bump will allow him to, with a beating heart, Regulus feels Marlene smother him first, burying her head in his shoulder.

He's certainly not dressed for the occasion, clad in James' blue and green checkered pajamas pants to accommodate his belly as well as James' large woolen fleece. Regulus knows he must look n utter wreck, all misty eyed and scared.

"He's alright, Reg, he's alright. The healer said it was just a minor blow-" Sirius pats Regulus' shoulder. Regulus pales even further. "Shush, don't get worked up, it wouldn't good for the little Prongs,"

Marlene let's go of him before wiping at her eyes. "God, he was out cold so q-quickly, we just didn't know what to do and we didn't want to w-worry you-"

Remus sighs, gently stroking Marlene's shoulder, pulling her away from a very pregnant Regulus. "Marls, this conversation might worry Regulus," He says softly. He turns to Regulus. "Sorry, she's just going through it right now," Remus pauses to nod towards the door behind him. "He's awake, if you want to go in and see him, he's been asking for you, Reg."

Regulus nods and thanks his brother in law before wordlessly passing through into the brightly lit room. His eyes fall on a pale James, sitting up with a small carton of vanilla pudding in front of him.

Regulus feels his eyes water up as soon as James opens his mouth to speak. "Reg, mama, I'm so sorry-"

But Regulus has already staggered into James' awaiting arms, already beginning to cry. "I-I thought I bloody lost y-you," Regulus whispers with a shudder as James rubs small circles into his lower back.

James shushes him softly. "Easy, lovey, easy," He soothes. "I'm so sorry, m'darling, I'm so sorry. I promised I'd be more careful-"

"I could've lost you, J-James," Regulus shakes his head, looking up at him with sad eyes and a tear streaked face. "God, we c-could've lost you," He glances downwards to his curved belly.

James follows his glance, cupping his hands to rest against the bulge of Regulus' bump. "But you didn't, sweetheart," He whispers, his fingers stroking the soft skin of his husband's pregnant tummy. "I'm still here, baby, I'm still here with you,"

"D-do you know what it was like to have Sirius' stupid, yappy patronous show up in our living room while I was trying to get that God awful knitting done?" Regulus says tearily.

"That knitting? For the baby?" James smiles softly.

"Yes for the baby!" Regulus sighs exasperatedly. He purses his lips. "You promised me you'd be more careful, Jamie. I was so scared, I got here as soon as I could and I-" He feels even more tears stinging in his eyes. "I-I kept thinking 'he's dead, he's dead, he's dead,' I thought you were dead!" Regulus feels the hot tears slide down his face.

James reaches up to wipe away his tears with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, baby, I'm so sorry. I did promise I'd be safer, I'm sorry, I got so carried away and I just kept flinging hexes, bloody Death Eaters," He murmurs gently as he strokes Regulus' blotchy cheek. "I love you, honey," He offers with a raised eyebrow and Regulus can't help but laugh wetly.

"Christ, you know just how to make me unmad with you," Regulus chuckles softly. He takes in the large gash across James' cheek. "Mmh, that won't scar will it?"

"Why? Don't you think I'd look rather handsome with a scar?"

Regulus snorts. "Very rugged, indeed," He whispers as he softly connects their lips, savoring every single piece of James. His James. His James that he so nearly lost. His very, very recklessly brave James. "I love you so much, James, don't you ever bloody scare me like that again."

"I won't, mama, I won't," James promises in a whisper as he pecks Regulus' soft pink lips even more.

"Y'know, you could've sent me into ruddy early labor, you idiot,"

James rolls his eyes, patting his hand firmly against the side of his husband's round belly. "Mmh, I dunno about that one, Reggie. Little one is pretty damn sturdy in there," He grins tiredly. A yawn escapes past his lips.

"You should get some rest, love," Regulus encourages softly. "You need to recover as quick as you can, I want you home as soon as," He teases softly.

"Mmh, my nurse, eh?"

Regulus wrinkles his nose. "No. There's a reason I'm not a healer," He rolls his eyes. "Get some sleep," He urges gently.

James makes a whining sound before, "Will you get in with me? Give me some cuddles, mama,"

Rolling his eyes, Regulus clambers into the narrow bed with his husband, James' hands coming to cup his belly and they slowly fall asleep.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now