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When James Potter begins to think about all of the tiny, inevitable, moments in his life that may have led to the very moment he is currently experiencing; a brief argument with Sirius was certainly not one of them.

And so, as Regulus Black and his impossibility bright grey eyes stare at him, awaiting some form of a reaction; James' mind begins to wander, piecing pieces together.

It had been a dull, rainy night. The loud, boomingly ferocious thunder had been absolutely nothing, so miniscule and mundane, compared to the yelling Remus and Sirius had been doing. Their yelling had been nothing compared to that of James' yelling at Sirius once Remus had lashed put, snarking something about going to see Pomfrey.

"You treat him like a bloody child, Sirius!" James had begun shouting. His voice raising quickly. "That's Remus! Our Remus, it's Moony for Christ sake! He can take care of himself, you buggering idiot,"

Sirius had snapped viciously at that. "Mind your bloody business-"

James had merely began laughing, a mocking laugh he wished he'd never done. "I would have if you two gits hadn't shaken the tower walls with your yelling!"

"Fuck you! Just-" Sirius had snarled. "Just stay out of my relationship!"

"Then stop screaming at your boyfriend in front of Wormtail and I! Jesus, you two are such a fucking mess, you call that a relationship? If you two got any fucking louder, it would've been grounds for a domestic violence trail, God, you're acting like such a Black right now-"

James had been interrupted by the sound of his own gasping as a stinging senastion plastered across his face. Reaching a hand up to cradle his cheek, he stares at Sirius. "You-"

"Go fuck yourself," Sirius spat. He has shaken his head, disappointed, ashamed, maybe even a little upset. "No matter how bad we fight, Rem would never say that to me; so next time, don't talk about things you know nothing of, you ignorant prat,"

Sirius had spun around, turning on his heel, before retreating to his bed, hauling the curtains closed and grimacing out a locking charm before the room fell silent, not even Peter daring to look at James as he hastily wondered from their dormitory room; still clutching his stinging cheek.

Now, if James' memory serves him right, this is where the younger Black had come onto the scene.

James is sure Regulus Black didn't deserve to be used as some form of human guerilla warfare tactic, but James had just been slapped by one of his best mates, his brother in arms, so he thinks it's fair to presume that his decisions that night can potentially be justified via reasons of insanity. He'd plead guilty to that, pleading the fifth; James watches as Regulus continues to stare coldly at him as he drifts back to his memories.

For some godforsaken reason, James Potter had ventured straight past Rosier and slipped right into the Slytherin boys dormitory, seeking both revenge on Sirius and his sudden kangaroo tendencies, as well as something to distract himself from the aching in his left jaw and cheek.

Regulus had been the perfect candidate, as he so usually is in most areas of his life. The perfect brother, the perfect son, the perfect owner of the most perfect grey eyes James had even laid eyes on, even if he did happen to think Sirius himself had lovely eyes.

Regulus had, naturally, been rather taken off guard; so taken off guard in fact, that he lacked his usual wit and sarcastic tongue. Both of which were substituted with a soft, pleading for James to 'don't stop, don't stop, oh fuck, don't stop, o-oh'. James himself had been eagerly surprised.

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